  • 學位論文


Based on national security issue to discuss the mainland policy between Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou

指導教授 : 趙文志


臺灣的國家安全與未來發展,與對岸的中國大陸有密切關聯,要想立足臺灣,走向世界,臺灣不能排除日益壯大的中國大陸對臺灣造成的影響。兩岸關係的發展,直接影響到臺灣的國家安全,身為臺灣人就必須面對這個議題。 臺灣自從2000年陳水扁總統就任以來,大陸政策有了重大的轉折,為了追求臺灣的主權與外交空間,陳水扁總統的「一邊一國論」與「四要一沒有」使兩岸關係經常陷入緊張的狀態。2008年馬英九總統執政,國民黨二次執政,臺灣的大陸政策再次巨幅調整,兩岸關係因為馬英九總統堅持「九二共識,一中各表」,追求兩岸和解交流,而進入相對和平穩定的時期,交流互動頻繁密切,但臺灣國家安全的隱憂並未因此消失。 臺灣長期以來處於一個分裂的社會狀態,藍綠與統獨對立形同水火,不論是輿論、媒體乃至於學術論作,都有明顯的、特定的政治色彩偏向,很難以客觀持平的立場來分析臺灣的大陸政策。 本文從國家安全的觀點,嘗試以持平的角度,分別檢視陳水扁與馬英九兩位總統在任時的國家安全理念與大陸政策,透過臺灣內外環境轉變、總統演講文告發表與官方政策與執行成果…等資料進行分析與比較。 本文研究後發現,兩任總統因為國家安全的理念而有不同的大陸政策走向。陳水扁總統積極爭取國家主權,試圖擺脫中國大陸的影響,追尋國際生存的空間,強調「積極防禦」、國防自主,對兩岸經濟交流採取「平衡」的策略。而馬英九總統努力追尋兩岸和平,模糊對主權的堅持,對中國採取「扈從」的策略,國防策略上重視「防衛固守」,對兩岸經濟則採取全面開放的態度。 兩位總統大陸政策雖有極大落差,兩岸官方不論是衝突或和解,終不致於發生重大軍事衝突,甚且民間能維持龐大的經貿文化與社會交流,可見兩種大陸政策都有其可供借鏡之處。陳水扁總統積極建立臺灣主體意識,構建自主的國防實力,難題是必須面對中國大陸的強力打壓與衝突;而馬英九總統以兩岸和平發展為重心,運用經貿社會交流為手段,為臺灣尋求另一條發展方向,隱憂是喪失國家主權與經濟命脈被壟斷的危機。臺灣制訂大陸政策時必須審慎思考這兩種路線的優劣,為國家安全與發展尋求最好的途徑。


Taiwan's national security and future development were related to Chinese mainland. To footing locally and moving towards globally, the impact of growing Chinese mainland on Taiwan should not be excluded. Two nations’ relationship and development have a directly affected on Taiwan’s national security, and Taiwanese should face this issue. Since Taiwan preceding President Chen Shui-bian has appointed in 2000, the Chinese mainland had a major turning point on policies. To pursuit of Taiwan sovereignty and diplomatic space, the former President Chen's "one country on each side" and "four noes and one without" had sunk into cross-strait strained relations. 2008 Taiwan President, Ma Ying-jeou, took office and that was also the second holding power on the Kuomintang. Taiwan's mainland policy once again had a huge adjustment and cross-strait relations entered a relatively stable, peaceful period and frequent interaction since President Ma Ying-jeou persisted in the "1992 Consensus, one of the table", and pursued of cross-strait reconciliation exchanges, but Taiwan's national security worries have not disappeared. Taiwan has long been under a state of divided society, between blue and green party with the unification and independence opposition conditions are similar to fire and water. Regardless of public opinion, the media and even in academic publishing, all have had clear, specific political flavor bias. It is difficult to be objective and impartial position to analysis Taiwan's mainland policy. This research is based on the national security viewpoint with unbiased angle to reviewing the national security and the mainland policy from former President Chen Shui-bian and President Ma Ying-jeou. Through Taiwan environment both internal and external changed, the president's speech and official policy, and implementation of the outcome ... etc. were be analyzed and compared. According to this study found that president made each national security strategy would lead to a different policy direction. Chen Shui-bian, former Taiwan President, had been striving for national sovereignty and trying to get rid of the Chinese mainland influences, in order to seeking the international living space. Also to emphasis "active defense", independent national defense, and the balancing strategy on cross-strait economic interactions. On the other hand, President Ma Ying-jeou has seeking peaceful cross-strait relations, fuzzing the insistence of Taiwan sovereignty and taking "bandwagonning" strategy toward China. His defense policy focus on "tenacious defense" and open policy on cross-strait economic. Although two presidents’ national security policy are quite different, their policy can be learnt as a reference. No matter cross-strait relations either conflict or reconciliation, their relations would not have a grave military conflict. Moreover peoples have economic cultural and society interactions. Former President Chen Shui-bian actively strived for national sovereignty and built independent national defense, but also face on Chinese mainland’s suppression and confliction. Conversely President Ma Ying-jeou aimed to the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and utilized on economics, trade, and society interaction to seek another direction of Taiwan development. However, it might be concerned that the crisis are national sovereignty and economic arteries. Taiwan should consider carefully about the pros and cons of these two policies, and find out the best way for national security and development.




