  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Collaborative Teaching in Chinese as a Foreign/Second Language

指導教授 : 何德華


本研究以個案研究的方式探討使用協同教學方式教導華語為外語/第二語言的過程現象。研究主要聚焦於三部分,第一部分為協同教學前的準備,探討教師如何合作準備及設計課程;第二部分為協同教學的過程,探討教學過程中教師之間的互動方式,教材設計是否恰當,以及在協同教學之下學生的行為反應;第三部分為協同教學後的心得與反思,瞭解教師於此協同教學過程的收穫與成長。 本研究個案為一大學部之華語文教學課程,修課學生於修課同時也擔任實習華語老師,學以致用實際教導有意願學習華語的外籍人士。研究者擔任此課程教學助理,全程參與紀錄課程,亦至實習教師教學現場觀察教學情形蒐集研究資料。本研究分析資料主要有以下四類:實習教師學習歷程檔案、實習教師課堂報告錄影檔、實習華語課程錄音檔以及外籍學習者訪談錄影檔。實習教師學習歷程檔案及課堂報告呈現實習教師對此協同教學經驗的想法,華語課程錄音檔呈現出真實的協同教學課堂紀錄,而訪談外籍學習者也得到學習者對協同教學的回饋。 研究最後提出一些關於協同教學的啟示與建議,例如:協同教學的優缺點、影響教師間互動的因素與學生的行為。供有興趣嘗試協同教學的教師作為參考。


This study is a case study of collaborative teaching in Chinese as a foreign/second language. Three aspects, preparations, implementations and reflections, of collaborative teaching are illustrated. The data were collected from an undergraduate course called Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language taught by a linguistics professor in spring 2014. In this course, the undergraduates were required to teach Chinese to a foreigner. This study has four types of data: Student teachers’ learning portfolios, video recordings of student teachers’ in-class presentations, audio recordings of Chinese classes and video recording of interview with the Chinese learners. The first two provide thoughts from student teachers’ perspective. The interview provides thoughts from the learner’s perspective. And the audio recordings of Chinese classes show the real situations of the student teacher’s Chinese classes. After discussing the preparations, implementations and reflections of collaborative teaching, pedagogical implications are provided. The pros and cons of collaborative teaching, the factors that influence interaction and learner’s behavior are discussed.


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