  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on Reemployment Behavior of Child-Rearing Women and Further Comparison with Employment Promotion Policy between Japan, South Korea and Taiwan

指導教授 : 周玟琪


協助婚育離職婦女排除再就業障礙進而重返職場,是目前國際組織與世界各國因應少子女化現象所造成的勞動市場高齡化及適齡勞動人口減少與不足的主要策略之一。我國在過去雖曾希冀提高婦女再就業,但實際的成效並不理想,但值得注意的是從明年開始,台灣已面臨到工作人口開始下降的挑戰,因此如何有效支持與提升婦女生育及再就業,是本研究的主要關懷與研究議題。 本文為了深度探求我國婦女再就業的勞動困境,採用縱貫性的連續調查,從華人家庭動態資料庫抽取符合本研究設計之婚育離職婦女非勞動力樣本共124名,追蹤期間從2000年至2011年止,探討影響樣本婚育離職的因素及因應家庭的再就業型態、家庭支持系統的變化、人力資本的累積與職能流動狀況與勞動困境,並進行世代間差異性之比較。其次,並輔以質化訪談說明,且藉由比較台日韓在面對相同勞動困境時的處理經驗,進一步探討我國可以協助婚育離職婦女在育兒期間做什麼再就業的準備,使其兼顧育兒並與勞動市場保持接軌,以順利轉銜重返正規勞動市場。 本文發現,在追蹤期間樣本選擇再就業的樣態,並非是一個二分靜止狀態,事實上在世代之間有顯著的差異,且以斷斷續續進出勞動市場樣態為最多。其次,世代之間面臨再就業的勞動困境的確有顯著的不同。配偶參與料理家務及照顧工作程度,亦影響樣本選擇再就業的樣態。在人力資累積方面,樣本原有的職能有向下流動現象,以專業性人員向下流動最為嚴重,樣本選擇的職業勞動條件差,以無提供相關受訓機會最為嚴重,經由質化訪談發現,受訪者往往無法在正規勞動市場找到可以平衡家庭照顧需求的工作,而單位可以協助臨時托育服務,成為考量主因。本文比較台日韓因應策略發現,我國促進婦女再就業措施,較缺乏對勞動市場長工時的因應策略(含彈性勞動雇用安定措施之立法保障)、缺乏多樣性的社區支持家庭育兒設施、缺乏育兒期間相關本職再進修管道的障礙排除和配偶參與育兒的相關企業缺工及成本等之因應措施。而日韓之婦女再就業轉銜服務措施,係從女性職涯發展角度介入,規劃設立女性專屬就業服務中心,結合相關職能累積制度及再就業準備之輔導措施、開發能兼顧家庭需求的工作與立法保護其雇用安定,使其在育兒期間仍與勞動市場保持接觸,並建構因應家庭之多樣性需求的社區育兒照顧系統、推動配偶參與育兒措施,協助婦女重返勞動市場,並針對相關措施所造成企業的成本與缺工問題給予配套措施,提升企業配合政策推動之意願。本文綜合上述研究結果,從人口層次、立法層次、政策層次及婚育離職婦女就業促進需求層次給予相關建議。


To deal with the re-employment difficulty to support re-work women coming back to labor market has become one of measures which is about Government response to the low birth rate. Although the Taiwan government purposes many policies to solve it,the employment rate of re-work women and birth rate are still decreasing. Moreover, after 2016 Taiwan will face challenge of working-population decreasing. Thus this study will focus how to raise the birth rate and improve the re-employment of re-work women effectively. The purpose of the study was to discover the causes and to explore how to support child-rearing housewives making preparation for re-employment. To achieve to the above-mentioned research purposes, this study applies three methods, which were about panel study, qualitative interviews and cross-country comparisons. For finding re-work obstacles by comparing generation differences about the re-employment patterns in response family, the changes of family support system, the situation of human resource keeping, 124 Samples were selected from The Panel study of Family Dynamics (PSFD), which the range of samples’ age contains aged, middle age and prime age, tracking period is from 2000 to 2011. The Department policy by comparing Taiwan, Japan and South Korea experience in dealing with the same problems is explored. Research results showed that most samples enter or quit the labor market was discontinuous during the tracking period. There were significant differences between the generations about labor obstacles faced by every generation. According to the social system and family system evaluation results, the extent of the spouse in family care and housework will affect whether the sample came back to the labor market. In terms of human capital preservation and accumulation, professional ability of samples has been the downward mobility phenomenon during tracking period, especially professionals. Samples whose re-employment pattern was intermittent usually worked in commercial and low skill department of the private sector where size of it is between four to nine members, because there is no job which can balance work and family in regular labor market. Thus, company which has provided temporary daycare service is chosen, although there are many problems in work environment and working welfare, especially having no training opportunities. According to comparing with Japan, South Korea and Taiwan policies, there were many different tactics in dealing re-employment women issue, such as various parenting-care community services, and Father involved in care, to support enterprises facing lack of worker and labor costs in welfare. Moreover, the short-term work policies which can make women balance family care was legislated to protect employment stability for atypical workers and to assist re-work women from non-principal chief labor into labor. Even in Japan, there are Mothers’ Hello works, which intervention from the perspective of career development to provide re-employment preparation guidance measures, including combining job card system, vocational training and re-employment placement business. In South Korea, there is a vocational training program for higher education re-work women. This study presents recommendations from Population level, Legislative level, Policy level, re-work women’s demand side.


