  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Concept Mapping Teaching Strategy Applied in Third Grade of Elementary School Students’ Reading Comprehension

指導教授 : 王雅玄


本研究採用行動研究法於教學現場進行教學,目的是要探討運用概念構圖教學策略於閱讀理解教學活動的歷程,得知在提升學生閱讀理解能力時所教師所遭遇的困境與省思,並瞭解該課程方案是否有提升學生閱讀理解能力的成效。 本研究以雲林縣 22 位國小三年級學生為研究對象,分析課堂對話、訪談、學生作品、教學省思等資料,以柯華葳、詹益綾(2006)編制的《國民小學(二~六年級)閱讀理解篩選測驗》三年級版為研究工具,對學生施以前、後測,所得的資料以相依樣本 t 考驗進行量化統計分析其閱讀理解能力是否有顯著差異。 本研究的結論如下: 壹、應用概念構圖於閱讀活動之歷程 一、從理論與實務的反省中,發展出適合本研究場域的教學方案 二、以鷹架漸拆教學策略幫助學生學習概念構圖 三、學習歷程採分組合作學習,學生可由討論中發現錯誤,使閱讀理解能力進一步提升 貳、教師要敏於覺察教學困境,研擬因應策略,以達成教學目標 一、學生認知、情意、技能方面不足,教師需事先加強 二、教師需熟稔概念構圖教學理論以靈活運用於教學情境 三、善用軟、硬體設備能幫助學生學習概念構圖 四、協同教師觀課可幫助教學者專業成長 參、學生閱讀理解能力的提升狀況 一、概念構圖教學能提升學生的閱讀理解能力 二、概念構圖教學能提升學生的批判自省能力 三、概念構圖教學能增進學生的閱讀情意 最後,根據本研究結論分別對教學方面及未來研究方面提出建議。


This study intended to explore the development and implementation of Concept Mapping teaching strategy applied in third-grade students reading instruction curriculum, through action research in teaching. The aim was to explore the implementation of Concept Mapping teaching strategy applied in Reading instruction to investigate the difficulties that the teacher encountered during improveing students' reading comprehension ability and reflection, and to observe if students' reading comprehension could be improved through this course program. The sample of the study is 22 third graders of elementary school in Yunlin county. First, the researcher analyzed the following data: the conversations in class, interviews, students' works, daily reflection journal and so on. Second, the researcher took " third grade of elementary school reading comprehension screening tests" prepared by Ke Huawei, Zhan Yi Ling (2006) as a tool and anatomized the collected data by the method of t-test (of correlated samples). Third, comparing the data of before to after, and concluding if there is any significant differences. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The course of application of concept mapping in reading activities (1)Through the theory and practice reflection, the researcher developed the course program for this field of study. (2)To adopte the teaching strategy demolished scaffolding gradually to help students learn the Concept Mapping. (3)The learning process adopted mining group cooperative learning, and students could find errors from the discussion to improve the reading comprehension ability further. 2. Teachers should be sensitive to perceive the teaching dilemma, and develope coping strategies to achieve teaching objectives. (1)Students lack of the cognitions, affections, skills, and teachers are required to strengthen. (2)Teachers need to have a more comprehensive understanding of Concept Mapping teaching theory, and apply to the teaching situation flexibly. (3)Teachers should be able to use the software and hardware equipments expertly to help students learn Concept mapping. (4)Collaborative Teachers classroom observation couble help the educator development professionally. 3.The improvement of students' reading comprehension ability. (1)Concept Mapping teaching could improve students' reading comprehension abilities. (2)Concept Mapping teaching could improve students' critical introspection capabilities. (3)Concept Mapping teaching could improve students' reading affections. Finally, proposals are for teaching and future research directions in accordance with the conclusions of this study.


張貴琳、黃秀霜、鄒慧英(2010)。從國際比較觀點探討臺灣學生PISA 2006閱讀素養表現特徵。課程與教學季刊,13(1),21-46。
