  • 學位論文

權力遊戲: 路易斯•卡洛爾《愛麗絲漫遊奇境》中語言的力量

Power Games: Language Power in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland

指導教授 : 羅林




In Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, some of the Wonderland creatures employ language games to have power over Alice. Alice, a seven-year-old girl, is not sophisticated enough at first to defend herself. Her lack of expression provides chances for those creatures to have power over her for she is unable to resist or protest against these unjust treatments. This study uses textual analysis to investigate how Alice learns to apply language power to resist unwanted power. Chapter One reviews theories of power. Power is a game played by everyone. According to Foucault, power is an action that inevitably evokes reaction. Resistance is therefore an essential component in any power game. Chapter Two discusses the power that comes from advantages in physicality and social status. With the help of magical potions, Alice experiments with the power that changes with her physical size. She then realizes that violence, which is rooted in physical advantage, cannot solve any problem. Instead, language is a more rational means to counteract power influence. In Chapter Three, how Alice gradually masters language games and uses language to defend herself is analyzed. The girl finally shows great courage at the court by applying her knowledge of word games to the King and Queen, turning them white and speechless. Chapter Four discuss how the power of language comes from its content. That is, one’s subjectivity. It is one’s subjectivity that can tell whether another person’s influence is welcome or not. Language is a tool to exercise power and to express one’s subjectivity openly. It is expressed by the word I, which is used to distinguish one’s own feelings and opinions as opposed to you (not I) and to assert one’s right in making one’s own decision. Though Alice may not fully understand the meanings of power games, Carroll at least provides her a chance to experience power in humorous and less threatening ways. Through the adventure, the little girl is expected to understand the problem of power and develop her subjectivity so that she can avoid becoming another victim of power.


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