  • 學位論文


Family on the Fingertips: Examining the Impact of Mobile Devices on Family ties in the Perspective of Modernity

指導教授 : 唐士哲


隨著新傳播科技──行動裝置的日漸普及,它逐漸成為現代社會人際互動的重要中介,並在人們的日常使用中融入生活脈絡。本研究企圖探討行動裝置獨特的「溝通中介」方式,如何延續、承接現代家庭關係的維繫,而這樣的互動脈絡,又會使家庭構築出什麼樣的新互動關係是我們關心所在。   本文以現代性的觀點作為主要架構,從巨觀的社會脈絡轉變談起,再敘述社會民主化氛圍由外向內的渲染,促使現代家庭內親密關係轉變的過程;最後則談論行動裝置與家庭關係維繫的互動過程。期許描繪出屬於當代社會,行動裝置與家庭維繫的動態脈絡。   資料收集方面,本研究共進行了八個家戶的深度訪談。在文獻架構的基礎下,研究問題分別探討了「行動裝置的日常實作,如何使現代家庭的親密關係有轉變的可能」、「行動裝置是以何種溝通形式,承接現代家庭的溝通維繫」以及「現代性的脈絡之下,行動裝置如何重塑現代家庭的互動形式」。   研究結果發現,多數家庭皆有屬於自己家的家庭群組,而家庭事務的討論與決定,有朝向群組空間轉移的現象。透過「文字」為主的溝通方式,少了面對面互動情境壓力的影響,使家庭成員擁有「平等」的發聲權,開啟更多的家庭傾聽管道,使子女與父母之間更像朋友。再者,行動裝置的「行動」本質,加上瑣碎、片段,時而熱絡、時而冷清的對話情境,以及隨時、頻繁又無所不在的連結狀態,使人際關係陷入一種「隨時連結的牢籠」,家庭關係因而展現出既緊密又緊張的狀態。最後,行動裝置的互動中介下,家庭時間延伸成一種「無縫」的狀態,有如無時間性的無縫家庭;家庭空間無法再以單一實體家屋的概念概括,它如同一個帶著走的「家」,我們走到哪,「家」就跟我們到哪,是「指尖上的家庭」體現。


With its growing popularity, mobile devices have gradually become important communication technology mediating human interaction. They are now an integral part of people’s daily life in modern society, including familial interaction. The study explores how mobile devices are used as a mediator for the modern family, with particular emphasis on how the mediated interaction through communication App such as Line constitutes a new dimension of familial relationship.   This paper’s framework is based on a modernity perspective. First, we talk about macroscopic context of social change. Second, we describe the process of transformation in intimacy of modern family by democratic transition. Last, we talk about how mobile devices maintain family’s connection and interaction. We hope to depict the dynamic context of how family members use mobile devices to maintain their connections in modern society.   The study conducted “in-depth interview” with eight households for data collection. The research questions were discussed on the basis of literature framework. Including “how daily use of mobile devices change the intimacy of modern families”, “by what form of communication does mobile device contain communication within modern families” and “how mobile devices reshape the interaction of family members under the context of modernity”.   The study found that most families have their own family group, and the discussion and decision of domestic affairs tend to shift toward “group space”. Compare to face-to-face, text-based communication lacks of social pressure, which makes family members have “equal” right to speak out, creating an additional communication channel within family, making children and parents more like friends. Furthermore, the “mobile” nature of mobile devices with trivial, fragments, sometimes passion, sometimes cool conversation situation and it’s always, frequently and ubiquitously linking state, making interpersonal relationship turns into an “always-linking cage”. Family relations state became both close and tension. Finally, mobile devices integrate family members in terms of both time and space. Temporally, family interaction becomes seamless, as the instant quality of communication App makes it obligatory for family members to reply. Spatially, the perception of home is no longer limited to the physicality of a house, since family reunion can still take place in the virtual space of a Line group despite that family members are physically apart. With mobile devices, family ties take place “on the fingertips”.


modernity family space family time family ties mobile devices


歐陽景根譯(2002)。《流動的現代性》。上海:三聯書店。(原書Bauman, Z. [2000]. Liquid modernity. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.)
