  • 學位論文

探索實習工作設計對於實習生組織人才吸引力知覺與再 應徵意圖之影響

Exploring the Influences of Internship Job Design on Organizational Attractiveness and Intention to Reapply

指導教授 : 楊文芬


實習招募制度近年來漸漸受到台灣企業重視;越來越多企業紛紛設立實習制度以此吸引優質人才前往應徵。過往學者多著重於實習生的工作滿意度、價值觀、實習生本身的態度或意圖或實習成效等進行研究,本研究則改針對實習工作設計之探討,以此推估對實習制度之組織人才吸引力知覺和再應徵意圖之影響,並加入期望落差做為中介變數。另一方面更衡量以企業規模做為干擾變數是否會對應變數產生影響。 本研究最終共回收 27 家企業問卷與 160 位實習生問卷並以此進行分析。研究結果顯示,雖然期望落差的正負方向與原先假設相反,但統計結果顯示實習工作設計中的自主性、任務多樣性、任務完整性、任務回饋性確實會受到期望落差的中介而影響到組織人才吸引力知覺,因此建議企業可著重於此四項工作特性以此訂定更具成效之實習工作內容。


Recently, more and more Taiwanese executives in the enterprises have put higher values on internship recruitment and have started to offer internship program in order to attract potential talented people. According to previous studies, most of the scholars focused on interns’ satisfaction, job values, their own learning attitudes or intentions and the internship results. Otherwise, in this study I try to explore how the designs applied on internship jobs effect on organizational attractiveness and intentions to reapply. Moreover, I put interns’ unmet expectation perception toward job designs as an mediator. On the other hand, in this study we also explore the firm size which may moderate the relationship between interns’ unmet expectations and organizational attractiveness or intentions to reapply. The research utilizes a survey data from a sample of 160 interns within 27 companies to exam the hypothesized model. The results show that: although the unmet’s direction of result opposite to the hypothesis, in the analysis that the relationship between autonomy , task variety, task identity and feedback from job on job designs and intentions to reapply is mediated by unmet expectation perception. Therefore it recommends that companies can focus on four job designs in order to enhance the effectiveness of the set Internship contents.


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