  • 學位論文


The Impact to Tourism Industry of Tainan City Caused by Opening up the Cross-Strait Relations and Agreeing the Free-Independent Traveler(FIT) From Mainland China.

指導教授 : 林泰和


自台灣開放陸客來,從團進團出發展到陸客自由行,對於台灣的觀光休閒旅遊業及國人的休閒生活,已經產生多元的影響及衝擊,且陸客來台人數逐年成長,其旅遊消費力量不斷上升,各觀光地區都希望爭取這塊大餅。 台南為開台最早的地區,擁有悠久的歷史遺跡、人文活動及豐富的自然生態資源等獨特性及體驗性之歷史人文資源。且地方各文史工作的推動,有助於社區的凝聚及觀光遊憩活動內涵及深度的提升。但在2008年中國海協會副會長張銘清,在台南孔廟遭綠營人士推倒在地,使台南市形象受挫,間接影響城市觀光旅遊意願。 因此本文欲藉由了解陸客來台觀光的消費動向,發掘台南市在觀光發展上之優勢,加以分析相關文獻及研究報告,探討台南市所可能遭受之觀光衝擊,並由經濟、自然環境及社會文他三個構面上探討各項衝擊,並藉由整合政策、相關計畫、環境條件,尋求適合觀光發展之管理策略。


台南市 觀光 陸客


Since our government permitted the mainland tourists to visit Taiwan, start from group tour till now with the free independent traveler (FIT) individuals, have been formed a diverse influence and impact to the Tourism industry and leisure life of people in Taiwan. With the rising number of mainland tourists, certainly the consumption-ability will be increased progressively, and all sightseeing areas are hoping for a piece of the pie. Tainan is the birthplace of Taiwan, which has the most long historical sites, cultural events and rich natural resources, ecology and unique experience of the historical and cultural resources. And ceaselessly promoting various cultural and historical places of work, to help unite and tourism and recreation activities to enhance the depth connotation and communities. In 2008, the vice president of ARATS (PRC Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits), Zhang Mingqing, on his tour visiting the Confucius Temple in Tainan, who was flung to the ground by the protesters from Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which caused the nice image of Tainan, indirect been frustrated then surely effected the willing of tourists to be here. Therefore, by understanding the Consumer Trends of mainland tourists to Taiwan ,to discover the advantage of Tainan on tourism industry development, and to analyze the relevant literature and research reports, I want to investigate the impact of tourism that may be subject to the Tainan City. And by 3 surfaces, the economy, the natural environment and the social-cultural impact to discuss every possible impact to tourism industry of Tainan city. With the integration of policies, plans related to environmental conditions, to seek the development of management strategies for sightseeing.


tourism China visitor Tainan City


