  • 學位論文

瑞士手錶品牌在台經營策略之研究 以斯沃琪公司某品牌為例

A Study on Business Strategy of Swiss Made Watch Brand in Taiwan: The Case of a Watch Brand under Swatch Group

指導教授 : 黃劭彥


瑞士手錶由於其獨特性、設計感以及精美的品質,並且伴隨著品牌歷史故事而風靡全球的消費者。近年來,由於亞洲市場的消費力日趨旺盛,許多瑞士手錶品牌投入更多資源以發展亞洲市場;台灣自2004年起至今,每年佔瑞士鐘錶全球出口國之金額排名約為12名上下,故也被各瑞士手錶品牌列入重點發展市場。 本研究首先回顧手錶的起源、歷史與簡述台灣手錶產業之概況,並以世界最大鐘錶集團「瑞士斯沃琪集團」於台灣分公司的某個品牌為例進行剖析;在整理過去文獻與相關研究之後,使用Booms and Bitner之7Ps行銷理論為研究模型,包含了產品、價格、通路、促銷、人員、實體證明及流程管理等7個構面,共有35個可能的影響因素。再經由專家問卷的發放,篩選得知具有顯著影響之因素;藉此導出發展該研究品牌手錶之關鍵成功因素,以為從事手錶品牌經營之同業做為參考。


品牌策略 精品 手錶 行銷理論


Swiss watch enchants consumers around the world because of its uniqueness, originality, exquisite quality, and the history and stories behind the brands. The rapidly increasing purchasing power the Asian market has demonstrated in recent years has enticed many Swiss watch brands to invest more resources to develop this market. Taiwan, having been upholding its top 12 ranking in the import of Swiss watches since 2004, is also considered a target market by the Swiss watch industry. This thesis investigates a particular watch brand under the Swatch Group Far East Distribution Ltd. Taiwan Branch, a division of Swatch Group Ltd., the world’s largest watch company. The first part of this thesis explores the history of watches and presents an overview of the watch industry in Taiwan. Based on a review of related literature and studies, the thesis adopts the marketing theory of 7Ps developed by Booms and Bitner, namely product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, and process, as the research model. A total of 35 possible factors are illustrated. By conducting an expert survey, this study identifies the most prominent factors and argues that the factors are of substantial influence to the brand’s success. The findings of this thesis could be taken as references and contribute to other branded watches distributors’ business management.




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