  • 學位論文

文化創意產業法制之研究 -以文化創意產業發展法為中心

A Study of the History and Issues of the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林洲富


中文摘要 本論文係以文化創意產業發展法為探討核心。論文第一章首先針對研究動機、目的、層次、方法,以及論文之架構與限制作出說明。基於對文創法立法背景之掌握,論文第二章之論述主軸,主要聚焦在國家文化創意產業政策之回顧、產業政策之立法思考,以及各種文創法草案版本之提出等議題面向。考量文創法是文創政策合法化之必經歷程與結果,因之文創法在進入立法三讀程序之相關討論與立法走向,自為本論文第三章所關注與著墨處。再者,文創法草案版本高達6種之多,本文第四章乃採行政院草案版本為比較基礎,針對不同草案版本逐條進行比較,以茲分析其條文內容之異同,從而理解文創法最終定版之規範內容,採行或修正自這些版本之觀點與主張。 對於文創法之分析與討論亦是本文之重點所在。論文第五章首節即以闡述文創法之立法精神而發,說明國家對於文化之態度轉型後,所導入之文化與創意元素產業建構理念,實為文創法之立法核心思考關鍵。其次,本章第二節亦針對被視為產業政策工具,即文創法所規範之各項條文內容與立法意旨,逐一介紹與討論。至於文創法立法後所引起之爭議,包括文化與產業關聯性,以及孤兒著作與著作權設質之議題等,則是本章第三節所要探討之主題。本文在第六章結論與建議部分,除一般性之研究回顧與結論說明外,亦嘗試提出本論文在文創法制領域之可能貢獻處,最後並針對文創法之未來走向作出個人之綿薄建議。 關鍵字:文化、文化創意、文化創意產業、文化創意產業政策、 文化創意產業發展法


Abstract The present study centers on the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries in Taiwan. Chapter 1 states the background of the study, purposes of the study, methodology, and limitations. Chapter 2 reviews the background of the enactment of the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries, including the history of cultural and creative industries policy and different aspects of the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries during different stages of the law establishment. Chapter 3 delineates the legislative process of the enactment of the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries in the legislature. Furthermore, since there were six different draft versions of the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries, Chapter 4 makes comparisons among different draft versions article by article based on the Executive Yuan’s draft version to shed light on the final version of the law. Chapter 5 analyzes and discusses the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries. It illustrates the true spirit of the law and recounts how the government changed its attitude toward cultural and creative industries and then decided to foster cultural and creative industries. In addition, Chapter 5.2 analyzes the intention of each article of the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries. Chapter 5.3 investigates controversies in the wake of the enactment of the Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries, including issues of connections between culture and certain industries, orphan works legislation, and copyrights. Chapter 6 proposes the significance of the present study and provides directions for modifications of the law in the future. Keywords: Culture, Culture and Creativity, Culture and Creative Industries, Cultural and Creative Industries Policy, Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries


(1)王怡惠,從推動體系及法制架構思考我國文化創意產業發展之整合-以南韓推動組織與法制架構為例,科技法 律透析,頁17-38,2009年7月。
