  • 學位論文


A Study on Investigating Affecting Factors of Impulse Buying

指導教授 : 廖則竣


近年由於行動商務(M-commerce)之興起,有不少實體商店、線上商店或者兩種類型都有經營之商家,會提供消費者下載可用以購買其商品或服務之行動應用程式(Mobile App),他們以此為平台經營其行動商店(M-store),行動商店可以說是商家開發未來商機的一個新通路與機會。而對消費者來說,手機已經不僅能作為通話及發送簡訊的溝通用途,已有不少消費者正在或是極有意願開始使用行動商店購物,而商店的品質,例如使用介面,會對消費者的使用造成影響。   本研究目的主要探討消費者使用行動商店時產生衝動性購買之驅力的影響因素,除此之外,也可根據研究結果給予有意發展行動商店之相關業者建議。從先前學者之觀點著手,將影響因素歸納分為行動商店之氣氛因素、行動商店之特性、行銷刺激與人格特質。   本研究採用網路問卷調查方式,共318份樣本資料,主要以結構方程模式來驗證研究模式內之因果關係。研究結果顯示,行動商店之氣氛因素的設計、行動便利性、促銷以及衝動性特質皆會正向的影響消費者在行動商店產生衝動性購買之趨力。而氣氛因素的內容與導覽性則沒有顯著影響。


In recent years, due to the rise of M-commerce, many industry which have brick-and-mortar, online stores or both of them, would supply customers Mobile Apps to buy their product or service, they use these Apps as a platform to operate their M-store. Operating M-store can be a new path and opportunities to develop their business for industry. For consumers, mobile phone is not only for communication but also for online shopping. The quality of the store, such as the interface, will affect consumers to buy or not. The purpose of this research focuses on the factors which affect consumers to feel urge to buy impulsively. Additionally, according to the results, it can provide advice to the industries who have interest in the systems. Generalizing from previous view of scholars, I classify factors as Atmospheric Cues of M-stores, Characteristic of M-stores, Marketing stimulation and personality traits. The data was collected via internet survey and total 318 available samples had been received. This research was analyzed by Partial Least Squares (PLS) to validate the hypotheses. Statistics analysis result showed that: Design, Mobility, Promotion and Impulsiveness have significant effect on the urge of impulse buying, but Content and Navigation of Atmospheric Cues does not have significant influenced.


郭英峰與游景文 (民96)。消費者採用行動加值服務行為意向之研究─ 以年輕族
何苔麗、徐慧霞與陳照森 (民101)。應用消費者接受模式探討手機應用程式服務
譚慧敏與林慧斐 (民103)。智慧型手機應用程式電子口碑之效果研究。資訊傳播
Abratt, R., & Goodey, S. D. (1990). Unplanned Buying and In-Store Stimuli in Supermarkets. Managerial and Decision Economics, 11(2), 111-121.
