  • 學位論文


A Study on Investigating Affecting Factors Regarding Uploading Videos to Video-sharing Websites.

指導教授 : 廖則竣


影音分享網站自線上影音產業發跡以來,逐漸成為國人網路娛樂的主要管道,YouTube是台灣最具指標性的影音分享網站,也是一般使用者用來接收資訊的重要管道之一,而YouTube上的內容是由使用者產生,因此探討使用者為何會上傳影片至影音分享網站成為一個值得探討的議題,然而少有研究針對上傳影音之影響因素做探討。本研究從使用者之自我涉入、理性行為理論觀點作架構,提出一個影響使用者上傳影音之理論模式,填補此一研究缺口。 本研究採網路問卷調查法,研究對象為曾在YouTube上傳過影音的使用者,共蒐集315份有效問卷,並以smatPLS2.0結構方程模式來驗證研究模式內各變數的因果關係。研究結果顯示,知覺樂趣、分享資訊、聲望對上傳態度皆有顯著影響,報酬對態度則沒有顯著影響;自我涉入對上傳意圖有顯著影響,對態度則沒有顯著影響;自我效能對上傳意圖有顯著影響; YouTube之使用人數亦對上傳意圖沒有顯著影響。本研究依據研究結果提出分析與建議,提供後續研究及影音平台服務提供者做為提升使用者上傳影音意圖之參考。


Video-sharing website has became a main network entertainment in Taiwan since the online video industry raised up. YouTube is not only the most indicative video-sharing website in Taiwan, but also one of an important pipeline in receiving information for general users. Contents in YouTube were user generated. Therefore, investigating why people uploading videos is important. However, there're few studies focused on investigating affecting factors of uploading videos to video-sharing website. In this study, conducted on uses' intention of video uploading on video-sharing website. The model based on theory of reasoned action, considering ego-involvement, perceived enjoyment, sharing information, reward and reputation as affecting factors to attitude. We used online survey questionnaire on this study and collected 315 respondents. Using SmatPLS2.0 to evaluate structural equation modeling. The result of this research indicated: (1) perceived enjoyment, sharing information and reputation have positive impact on attitude. (2) ego-involvement has positive impact on uploading intention but not significant impact on attitude. (3) self-efficacy has positive impact on uploading intention. According to the results, we proposing analyzing and suggestions that may help both academic and business.


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