  • 學位論文


A Study on the Employment Units’ School to Work Transition Program in Taiwanese Comprehensive Universities

指導教授 : 馬財專


國際勞工組織(International Labour Organization)於2010年發表的「全球青年就業趨勢報告」指出,在2009年末,顯示青年失業率在金融海嘯時期尤其明顯的上升。因此,青年失業問題遍及全球,而在經濟不穩定的情況下,青年將面臨到從學校到職場日益增加的就業市場轉銜不確定性,遭遇到的求職困境也會造成他們往後永久的傷害。隨著國內近十年高等教育擴張,大學教育普及化,使青年平均受教育的年限延長,相對減少與勞動市場接觸的機會,再加上勞動市場的就業機會並未隨者大專生的數量增加,進而造成學歷通膨、文憑貶值。因此,台灣不只青年失業率嚴重,更令人擔憂的危機是擁有高學歷反而高失業的現象產生。本研究欲探討我國綜合大學協助在學青年就業轉銜機制之研究,以學校角度出發,來檢視綜合大學就業輔導單位提供在學青年從學校到勞動市場的相關機制,期望藉由我國當前國立與私立大學內部現有的就業銜接措施,進一步了解各就業輔導單位之現況發展、單位對於協助青年就業之願景目標與政策執行之困難所在,並歸納出國內綜合大學就業輔導單位在轉銜機制執行上之內在差異,最後試著提出改善建議。 本研究藉由深度訪談的方式,訪談國內國立與私立綜合大學之就業輔導單位內主管級人員與執行人員,整理出學校在教育過程中提升學生就業能力之轉銜措施。 本研究發現學校對於青年在學期間職涯觀念的建立與輔導扮演相當重要的輔助角色,而就業輔導單位人員對於面對青年就業與失業問題皆抱持著積極正向之態度。又目前我國綜合大學就業輔導單位主要遭逢若干困境,一,面臨人力編制不足;二,受訪者表示該就業輔導之專業訓練不充足;三,綜合大學之就業輔導單位與系所的連結薄弱,行政單位與教學單位面臨業務重疊或權責區分不明情形產生。


According to ILO (International Labour Organization), the report of "Global employment trends for youth" in 2010 points out that at the end of 2009, showing the rise in youth unemployment is especially apparent during the financial crisis. Therefore, youth unemployment became an important global issue. In the case of economic instability, youth will face the uncertainty during their transition to labor markets; moreover, the difficulty of finding job would cause them permanent harm. Along with the expansion of higher education in recent decades, youth are easily to take the university education. Therefore, the average of youth’ educational years have been extended, and less chance for them connecting with the labor market. On the other hand, the labor market cannot provide enough opportunities for the highly increased number of students. This problem causes the phenomenon of qualifications inflation, and the diploma devaluated. Thus, in Taiwan, not only youth unemployment is a serious problem, but also the crisis of highly educated youth related to high unemployment. This study intends to explore the development and mechanism of University which help youth to have a smooth transition period from school to work. This study would like to view the operation of employment counselling units in both national and private university in Taiwan. The research purposes of the study are: understanding the development of each employment counselling unit, including the main goal of the units, the difficulties that they have encountered, and find out the differences between each university. Then try to propose improved recommends in the end. This study interviews several supervisors and employees who work in national and private universities’ employment counselling units in Taiwan. This research found schools play an important role for young people in the period of establishing their career ideas. And those people who were interviewed are holding positive attitude for the issue of youth future employment. However, Taiwan's University employment counselling unit encountered several difficulties: first, they faced with insufficient staff; second, professional training of the employment is not sufficient; third, the connections between the employment counselling unit and the department faculty are very weak, and it is hard to distinguish their duties.


Ranjit Kumar)。台北市:學富文化。
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