

健康意識與穿戴裝置的增長,加上慢性疾病的因素,使得未來電子病歷與醫療照護的需求逐漸的增加。PHR因為具有個人自主控制、個人單一紀錄、醫療資訊容易分享、使用者高度參與等特性(Clarke, Meiris, & Nash, 2006; Endsley, Kibbe, Linares, & Colorafi, 2006; Sprague, 2006; Tang, Ash, Bates, Overhage, & Sands, 2006),因此能夠將PHR運用在醫療照護上。而若是能夠將PHR雲端化,便能透過網路達到跨平台的資料存取,並不侷限在電腦端,而是能使用各種載具存取資料。結合以上的敘述,雲端化的PHR預期能將能有效的整合醫療資源與資訊,提升整體的醫療品質,降低不必要的醫療成本。行政院衛生署為了提倡雲端PHR自我健康管理概念,已著手打造全台第一朵「全民健康雲」,並啟動先導計畫。透過雲端平台,將民眾所有的個人健康資訊或就醫紀錄,都儲存於健康雲中。 本研究將探討民眾對微軟HealthVault混合雲的使用意願以及以使用者角度探討接受HealthVault之關鍵因素為何,透過過去的相關文獻研究來找出影響民眾使用個人健康紀錄之因素,並使用HealthVault系統進行實驗驗證。


Increase health awareness and wearable device, coupled with risk factors of chronic diseases, so gradually increase in the future of electronic medical records and health care needs. PHR as a personal self-controlled, single personal records, medical information easy to share, users are highly involved and other characteristics (Clarke, Meiris, & Nash, 2006; Endsley, Kibbe, Linares, & Colorafi, 2006; Sprague, 2006; Tang, Ash , Bates, Overhage, & Sands, 2006), and therefore can be used in the health care PHR. And if the ability to cloud-based PHR, through the Internet will be able to achieve cross-platform data access is not limited to the computer terminal, but can be used to access information on a variety of vehicles. Combined with the above description, the cloud of the PHR can expect to effectively integrate medical resources and information to enhance the overall quality of care, reduce unnecessary medical costs. Department of Health in order to promote the concept of self-health management PHR cloud has started to build Taiwan's first flower "universal health cloud" and start a pilot program. Through the cloud platform, people all personal health information or medical records, are stored in the health cloud. This study will investigate Microsoft HealthVault people use hybrid clouds will and a key factor in user acceptance angle Discussion HealthVault's why, through the relevant literature to identify factors over personal health records of people to use, and use HealthVault system test verification.


Trust Perceived Risk TTF UTAUT PHR


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11. 黃興進,紀彣宙,莊坤洋,(民96)。長期照護解決方案-個人健康紀錄。長
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