  • 學位論文


Research on Adult Learning Motivation, Learning Investment and Learning Effects in Taiwan and Fujian Area

指導教授 : 李藹慈


本研究主旨在進行臺閩地區成人非正規學習之學習動機、學習投資與學習成效的相關研究,以「2008 臺閩地區成人教育調查統計」原始資料為依據,依據本研究目的進行樣本篩選和分析。以SPSS 20.0 中文版套裝軟體描述性統計、獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析、多元回歸和邏輯斯回歸等方法進行統計分析,最後整理研究結果並提出具體建議。本研究之研究結論歸納如下: 一、整體來看,2008 年臺閩地區成人之學習投資平均費用為11418.70 元,中位數為4,000 元;學習時數為124.52 小時,中位數為60 小時。而成人參與非正規學習的滿意度為中上滿意程度,95.54%認為學習對自己有幫助,主要幫助層面為充實層面和發展層面。另外,臺閩地區成人對其參與非正規學習之主要動機為職業進展。 二、從不同背景之臺閩地區成人參與非正規學習之學習投資分析發現,男性成人在學習費用上的花費高於女性成人;Y世代學習費用顯著高於熟年世代,嬰兒潮世代學習時數高於X世代;大學及研究所以上之成人學習時數高於其他教育程度;社經地位高者,參與學習比例愈高。 三、從不同背景之臺閩地區成人參與非正規學習之學習成效分析發現,女性的學習滿意度高於男性;熟年和嬰兒潮世代學習滿意度高於Y世代和X世代;無收入滿意度高於其他收入者;女性、技術員及專業助理員認為有幫助之比例較高。 四、學習動機為逃避或刺激者的學習費用支出顯著高於職業進展、社交關係、外界期望和認知興趣者;學習動機為社會服務、社交關係和認知興趣者的學習滿意度顯著高;學習動機為社交關係主要幫助關係比例最高。 五、學習投資對學習滿意度的解釋例為1.1%;學習時數對知覺學習是否有幫助為負向預測;學習時數在關係層面和充實層面機率有顯著的正向關係。 六、不同背景變和學習動機彼此間對於非正規學習之學習投資及學習滿意度具有交互作用。 最後,依據研究結論對非正規學習之機構、非正規學習之學習者和未來有意從事相關研究者提出具體建議。


Aimed at the relevant research on the learning motivation, investments and learning effects of nonformal adult learning in Taiwan and Fujian Area, this study used the “2008 Adult Education Report of Taiwan and Fujian Area” statistics as basis to conduct sample filtering and analysis according to the aims of the study. Using the Chinese version SPSS20.0 software, methods such as Descriptive Statistics, Independent Sample t tests, One-way Analysis of Variance, Two-way Analysis of Variance, Multi factor Regression Method andLogistic Regression were used to conduct statistical analysis, after which research results were organized and suggestions were proposed. Conclusions of the study were as follows: 1. The average learning investment for adult learning in Taiwan and Fujian Areas is $11418.70 with 124.52 hours of learning time. Satisfaction level of nonformal adult education in Taiwan and Fujian Areas is above average. 95.54% are of the opinion that the courses are beneficial, primarily in the areas of enrichment and development. 2. The main motive of nonformal learning for adults in Taiwan and Fujian Areas is for career progression. 3. Differences in gender, generation, education level, annual income, and participation motives reflect significant differences in learning costs while different generations and education level also reflect differences in learning time. 4. Different genders, generations, annual income, and participation motives show a substantial disparity in satisfaction level. 5. Different genders and participation motives also affect significant difference in perception of usefulness of course. 6. Different genders, generations, education levels, annual incomes, professions, and participation motives reflect substantial differences in perception of the areas of usefulness. Learning investments for nonformal learning offers significant prediction for learning satisfaction, learning time and primary useful areas. 7. Different backgrounds and learning motives have a mutual interaction effect on the learning investments and learning satisfaction of nonformal learning. Lastly, based on the research conclusions, specific suggestions are proposed for nonformal learning organizations, learners and future researchers.


王作榮(譯)(1965)。經濟學原理。Marshall, A 原著。台北:臺灣銀行經濟研究室。


