  • 學位論文


“Space” in Chiang-sheng Kuo’s Novels: Narrative flow of gender and other identity

指導教授 : 吳亦昕


在郭強生小說中對於父權體制與西方現代資本文化的影響,一直是小說探討性別與身分認同的焦點。而在其筆下的人物就如同一個個流動、不安於現狀的鬼魂,像是某種意念的對抗與生成。在本文欲指出這些性別、身分不安的個體,不斷透過各種變換空間的流動方式,拆解、重組社會的對話模式,而這當中反映出中心和邊緣的移動關係,其所呈現的外層表象與內在自我的進入∕移出的移動差異。 本論文主要從郭強生早期1980至1990年代的都會短篇小說,以及21世紀始出版的同志小說《夜行之子》、《惑鄉之人》為研究對象。而藉由作者過去到現在的書寫風格轉變,分析其筆下不斷被擴大與延伸的「自我」所突變的流動個體,及其所呈現的表象吸引與自我內部區隔。本研究企圖指出在郭強生小說中人物流動個體的潛在因素,在小說中流動既是拆解原定形式卻同時又聚合另一模式。因此本文首先透過郭強生早期小說都會空間找出這些突變個體的潛在跡象,從早期質疑性別外衣的扮演形象及其都會空間的自戀投射。接著進入《夜行之子》外衣下的同志呈現,藉由「異質空間」理論,分析小說二元空間的「虛幻」與「真實」的交疊,其中有鬼魂重疊空間的展演、替身的「意念」與「肉身」的轉換、及同志身分變造的個體流動,最後藉由佛洛姆的「施虐∕受虐者」模式分析《惑鄉之人》國族與同志回流的隱性對抗,並在全球化的經濟流動與影像空間介入地方的對照,質疑父親替代對象的延續或移轉,以此作為本文在郭強生小說中性別與身分流動的空間書寫主題研究。 關鍵詞:郭強生、同志文學、空間、性別流動、身分流動、中心/邊緣


In gender and other identity studies. The characters in his works are like restless roaming ghost The influence of patriarchal system and modern Western capitalist culture in Chiang-sheng Kuo’s novels has always been focused s appearing to be generated to confront a certain idea. These individuals with unstable gender and other identities indicated in this study will be used to continuously disassemble and recombine dialogue model of society through various roaming approaches of transformed space. Such expressions reflect the mobile relationship between the center and the periphery and show the mobile (entering and exiting) difference between superficial appearance and the inner self. This study mainly focuses on Kuo’s early urban short novels (1980–1990) and the LGBT novels, Nightly and The People of Confusion Township, published at the beginning of the 21st century. Mutational roaming individuals of continually expanded and extended “self” as well as the superficial attraction and internal “selves” presented can be analyzed through changes of the author’s writing style over the years. This study attempts to highlight the potential factors of the roaming individuals in Kuo’s novels. Roaming serves to disassemble original model and simultaneously recombine another model. Therefore, in this study, these potential evidences of mutational individuals are identified in the urban space of Kuo’s early works. First, some cues are taken from the “roles” undermining gender appearance and the narcissism existing in the metropolitan spaces. Then, the overlapping of the “real” and the “illusory” in Nightly will be analyzed by the theory of heterogeneity presented under the LGBT appearance in the context, including the evolution of ghosts’ overlapped spaces, the switch between the “mind” and the “body (or flesh)” of the substitute, and the fluidity of LGBT identities as they are changed or transformed. Lastly, through Erich Fromm’s model of the sadist/masochist the hidden conflicts are examined between the nation and returning LGBTs in The People of Confusion Township, which will provide a local intervention to the broader narrative of economic mobility and the image space in the age of globalization, an intervention that indicates that the patriarchal figure may no longer be in existence in its original form. Keywords: Chiang-sheng Kuo, LGBT literature, space, gender identity and flow, center/periphery


