  • 學位論文


A Study of Factors Affecting Behavioral Intentions with Using Cloud Healthcare Management System Platform - The Example of Health Automatic Teller Machine (HATM)

指導教授 : 黃維民


隨著科技的進步、人口老年化、慢性病的盛行與自我健康管理的意識抬頭,市上也出現許多雲端健康管理照護平台,其共同的信念就是,藉由自我健康管理,進而維持健康的身體。「健康便利站」提供像ATM便利及普及的複合式量測儀器和個人專屬之雲端健康帳戶。然而,使用人數之比例卻不高。故本研究將結合健康信念模式、科技接受模式以及信任理論,更深入的探討民眾對於健康便利站與其雲端管理照護平台之使用意圖。 本研究以結構式問卷進行此理論模型之驗證,各研究構面皆有良好之信度與效度。回收有效問卷共計279份,有效問卷回收率為92%,並以統計軟體SPSS 22.0與SmartPLS 3.2.3驗證各變數間的假設關係是否成立。研究結果發現使用者之信任會正向影響其認知易用性與有用性,認知易用性會正向影響使用者的認知有用性與態度,認知有用性會正向影響使用者的態度與行為意圖。另外,自覺行動障礙、自覺行動效益、行動線索會正向影響使用者的行為意圖。


Owing to the advance of technology, aging of population, high prevalence of chronic diseases, and rising awareness of self-health management, the cloud healthcare management system platform has become more popular on the market. Health automatic teller machine (HATM) provides people with convenience and composite measuring instruments. There is also offers personal and exclusive cloud health accounts. However, the percentage of usage is insufficient. Therefore, this study will combine the health belief model, technology acceptance model and trust to investigate the affecting factors in behavioral intentions. In this study, the 279 valid responds were collected via internet survey, and used statistic software SPSS 22.0 and smartPLS 3.2.3 to test the relation of hypothesis and the explanatory power of dependent variables. The results showed that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness was affected by trust, perceived usefulness was affected by perceived ease of use, user’s attitude was affected by perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, and behavioral intention was affected by perceived usefulness, attitude, perceived barriers to taking action, perceived benefits of taking action and cues to action.


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