  • 學位論文

探討電視冠名畫面的置入效果-以台視偶像劇 「致,第三者」為例

Explore the Effects of Television Product Placement :A Study on Drama “To the Dearest Intruder”

指導教授 : 盧龍泉


行政院國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)2012年於訂定「國家通訊傳播委員會電視節目贊助暫行規範」與「國家通訊傳播委員會電視節目從事商業置入行銷暫行規範」表示,將有限度的開放電視節目置入行銷(包含電視冠名),促進電視節目外部資源的投入,或使節目內容更多樣豐富與品質提升(國家通訊傳播委員會,2012)。置入性行銷在國外已廣泛被採用,國內也因應這波趨勢改革開放,期盼帶給節目製作更多的財源、提升節目製作的品質,冠名數量與費用亦有增加之趨勢,由此可知此領域有其研究之重要性。 電視冠名的置入方式為非整合性顯著置入形式,冠名畫面在節目播映期間顯示在節目名稱旁,此外,每當節目在開播與廣告前後皆會置入冠名畫面,本研究分別探討閱聽人的「致,第三者」節目態度、節目形象等變數,對於電視冠名商品之品牌態度、品牌形象和品牌記憶的影響。利用網路問卷調查,有效問卷總數為407,研究結果發現:(1)閱聽人對「節目態度」與閱聽人對冠名商品的「品牌態度」,兩態度無關聯性;節目態度與閱聽人對冠名商品的「品牌形象」相關(2)曝光頻率(收看集數)高低對於品牌態度無影響;(3)節目冠名能提升閱聽人對冠名商品的「品牌記憶」,且曝光程度越高,有較好的品牌記憶表現;(4)節目冠名對於品牌形象之提昇是有幫助的;(5)曝光頻率與品牌形象無相關性;(6)品牌記憶(外顯記憶)與品牌形象無相關性。


In order to improve the quality of program content and increase the financial resources, NCC said product placements (PPL) were allowed to apply to television programs in 2012. Product placement has been used aboard in several media such as movies and television program for a long time. Nowadays, Taiwan government lifted the ban due to the tread of PPL application. After lifting the ban, TV product placements increased rapidly. A product name placed on TV heading is a kind of PPL, called Non- Integrated explicit PPL. This study focuses on its effects on brand attitude, brand memory, and brand image, the results are shown as following. First, there is no correlation between “attitude toward program and attitude toward the brand ”, “exposure frequency and attitude toward the brand”, “exposure frequency and brand image”, and “brand memory and brand image.” Second, attitude toward program can affect brand image positively. Third, placing product name on TV heading and exposure frequency can affect brand memory positively. Fourth, placing product name on TV heading can improve brand image. Fifth, program image can affect brand image if the image was consistent.


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