  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Water Resource and National Security

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


生活上飲用水、居家、衛生用水。經濟上工業、能源使用水等都離不開「水」的範疇,可想而知,水資源對人類有多麼重要。1992年在巴西里約熱內盧所舉行的「聯合國環境與發展會議」 (UN Conference on Environment and Development) (也稱爲地球高峰會[Earth Summit])則將永續發展的觀念具體化爲行動綱領,會中製定的「二十一世紀議程」(Agenda 21)將全球社會經濟、資源保育與管理等方面的問題,及應該要達到的目標、行動方案等原則性的列出,以供世界各國制定符合各國國情的永續發展計晝,以作爲二十一世紀國家發展的藍圖。 早期很少旱災,即使有也並不會太嚴重,但是因為隨著經濟發展、人口增加,平地草原拓墾消失,高山樹木也砍伐殆盡。近三十年來,濫墾濫建破壞水土保持,破壞生態環境更是變本加厲,使森林分布面積急劇大減,山坡地土石流失,水庫泥沙淤積大增,水質優養化也越加嚴重。加上民眾超抽地下水,使的地層下陷更加無以恢復原始面貌,顯示出美麗的福爾摩沙,已不美麗失去原有的面貌。 本研究以台灣地區研究水資源為主體,透過政府的政策、方針等一連串作為,探討政府「水資源」政策,以做為提出公部門改善「水資源」策略。


No matter in daily life or industrial field, we do need water. In daily life, we need drinking and sanitary water. For industrial field, we need industrial water. Hence, water resource is so important for human beings. “UN Conference on Environment and Development” was held in Rio De Janeiro Brazil, 1992. The concept of sustainable development was concretized into guidelines in the conference. “Agenda 21” not only listed problems about global economy, optimize the distribution of resources and management, but also goals and action plans. “Agenda 21” is a blueprint for the global to set up the sustainable development plan in 21th century. In early days, there were fewer droughts. If there was a drought, it wasn’t too serious. However, with the development of economy and population increasing, grasslands and alpine trees are fewer and fewer. In 30 years, deforestation has destroyed conservation of water and soil. Ecological environment destroying has made the square measure of forests decrease sharply. Soil and stones in mountains run off. Mud silt up reservoirs. Water eutrophication is getting worse. Furthermore, groundwater overdraft makes the strata subside. Formosa Island is gradually losing the beauty. The research is focus on the water resource in Taiwan and discusses the policy of water resource for our government. By surveying the policies of our government, we expect to provide suggestions to improve the policy of water resource.


彭百顯,「從政治經濟探究台灣發展困局」,台灣國際研究季刊,第8卷第3期, (2012年),頁1-22。
蔡育岱,「從人類發展到台灣安全:非傳統與傳統安全之間的聯結」,戰略安全研析,第57期,( 2010年1月 ),頁11-16。
