  • 學位論文


Application of Data Mining Techniques to Assess Postoperative Pain Relief Time

指導教授 : 胡雅涵博士


疼痛的處理與緩解是人類最基本的需求,緩解病人疼痛一直都是醫療照護品質的指標之一,國內外機構也早已訂定疼痛為第五生命徵象。疼痛是手術後病人所面臨的第一個難題,研究顯示約77%至98%的病人曾經歷手術後疼痛的經驗,其中有40%至50%病人術後疼痛處置並不理想。本研究目的係運用資料探勘技術研究婦產科剖腹產病人手術後疼痛緩解時間是否小於3天。 本研究以台灣嘉義地區某區域教學醫院婦產科病房行剖腹產手術病人為收案對象,採立意取樣的方式收集資料,共收集639案作為本研究之實驗資料集,運用資料探勘中的之監督式分類方法來建立預測模式。而檢驗分類器之績效,是以10摺交叉驗證法(10-fold cross-validation)進行效能評估,評估每種預測模式之正確率,選出最佳預測模式。 實驗結果,以決策樹(J48)分類技術所建構之分類器預測模式,對於剖腹產手術後疼痛緩解分數小於4分未超過3天正確性預測率平均為89.41%,對於小於4分未超過3天敏感性預測率為90.11%,對於小於4分超過3天特異性預測率為88.49%。J48模式整體預測準確率為0.9。因此,本研究應能協助婦產科醫療團隊建構適當的疼痛緩解時間預測模型,而產生有效的疼痛處置決策建議。


Management and relief of pain is the most basic demand of human. Domestic and foreign institutions have set pain as the fifth vital sign and relieving pain of patients is always one of the indicators of health care quality. Pain is the first problem in patients post operation. Previous studies showed 77% to 98% of patients ever experienced post-operational pain; among them, 40% to 50% didn’t receive ideal treatment of pain relief. This study used mining technology to evaluate if pain duration after surgery is less than 3 days. This study recruited patients receiving caesarean at one regional hospital in ChiayiCity of Taiwan. Purposive sampling principle was used to collect data. 639 cases were collected totally and data mining in the supervised classification methods was undertaken to build the prediction model. 10-fold cross-validation method was used to evaluate the accuracy of each prediction mode and the best mode was selected later. The classifier prediction mode constructed with classification tree (J40) showed that for patients after caesarean with pain score less than 4 over one to three days, the correct predictive value was 89.41%, the sensitivity was 90.11% and the specificity was 88.49%. The correct value of prediction with J49 mode was 0.9. This study should be able to assist the team of obstetrics and gynecology to build the appropriate predicting mode of pain relief and cough give the suggestion of effective pain treatment.


周欽凱、張怡秋、黃進興 (2007) 運用購物籃分析技術探討滯留急診24小時病患特性.醫品期刊,3(8),216-231。
