  • 學位論文


Sweatshop:Trade Inequality and Exploitation of Globalization

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


摘要 隨著科技與資訊的發展,全球化使得全球人類與國家間聯繫不段增加,國與國之間政治、經濟貿易上更加緊密互相依存,使得勞力需求更具彈性也更容易被取代。全球化對企業而言是擴展市場、降低成本、累積資本的有效途徑。透過生產過程在國際上的分工,將非技術的部門分離出來轉移到低工資、高時、勞工條件有欠完善的落後地區,降低成本支出以獲取最大利潤。然而,企業獲取最大利益的背後往往犧牲的是勞動人權的本身,使企業成為所謂的「血汗工廠」,因此探究血汗工廠背後的勞工剝削問題便是本文的主要研究目的。 而如何改善血汗工廠這樣的現象,本論文的觀點是假設全球化下的貿易不平等透過「國際組織」、「國家」、「跨國公司」這三大面向來抑制勞工剝削與血汗工廠的現象。首先,國際組織通常扮演著勸說的角色,透過公約等方式來保護勞動人權;而國家則是扮演著一種以政策與法律來影響勞動人權的積極性角色;最後跨國企業則是透過「企業社會責任」與「公平交易」等方式來表現自願與積極的角色。 本研究主要探討全球化下,跨國企業的生產供應鏈上的勞動人權現況與因應機制,透過文獻分析法與個案研究法分析法透過本論文的第四章,分別以Primark、H&M、Starbucks、McLeod Russel四則案例,分別從血汗工廠事件的原因背景、處理過程、以及結果與影響來分析探討血汗工廠與勞動人權問題。


Abstract With the development of science, technology, and information, globalization makes the linkage between states and Humanbeings. Countries politically and economically became closer, making labor demand more flexible and easier to be substituted. Globalization for businesses is to expand the market, reduce costs, effective way to capital accumulation. Through the production process in the international division of labor, the separation of non-technical departments transferred to low-wage, long working hours, labor conditions inadequacies of backward regions and reduce costs in order to maximize profits. However, it’s a dilemma to maximize the benefits and labor rights because the enterprises is tend to sacrifice the expense of labor rights for profit. It becomes so-called “Sweatshop.” Hence, the main purpose of this paper is to discuss the issues of sweatshop and labor exploition. From this essay viewpoint, Globalization to influence global labour rights. The International Organization, state, transnational corporation are leading roles. The ILO to play a core role from protect labour rights issue;state to play a decisive role, because the state can use policy and laws to protect labour rights;TNCs to play a free-will role, likes corporation social responsibility (CSR) and Fair trade. The fouth chapter is case study, including the Primark, H&M, Starbucks, and McLeod Russel. It explores the issues of sweatshop and labor human rights by analyzing the background, process, cause and effect of the events.


Paul Hirst & Grahame Thompson著,朱道凱譯,全球化迷思(台北:群學,2002年,初版)。
