  • 學位論文


The Research of Domestic Military Punish System

指導教授 : 劉建宏


國軍行政處分遭行政法院撤銷,為數不少,相關懲罰遭國防部官兵權益保障委員會撤銷之案例,更是多見,貫徹正當行政程序實乃國軍當前重要課題,洪仲丘案以後,我國軍人懲罰制度首次遭國人重視,在各界檢視下,我國軍人懲罰制度長期存在之違反法官保留原則及違反正當行政程序原則等問題,終究浮出檯面,雖然在各界催生下,104年4月21日三讀通過,104年5月8日施行之陸海空軍懲罰法,修正部分包括周延懲罰法制,強化事前程序,並完備救濟途徑等,然該法修正後,是否能達其貫徹部隊紀律與效率兼顧人權保障之目標,爰以「我國軍人懲罰制度之研究」為題探討之。 本文先就我國軍人懲罰法制說明,次探討法官保留原則,並就我國軍人懲罰須受法官保留原則拘束之懲罰種類加以界定,另從103年7月8日施行之提審法出發,探討提審程序是否能落實法官保留原則。接著探討正當行政程序原則,並比較修正前後陸海空軍懲罰法對我國軍人懲罰種類歸屬行政處分之懲罰種類為何,就應屬行政處分之懲罰種類加以界定,進而檢視相關程序、救濟是否落實正當行政程序原則,另輔以我國軍人懲罰常見之程序瑕疵與實體瑕疵,進而探究其原因,逐一就目前法令下實務執行所遇窒礙作檢討,最後針對上述問題提出個人意見及看法。並對於我國軍人懲罰制度未盡完備之處提出具體可行之修法建議,期對將來懲罰實務運作有所助益。


There are few cases for revoking military punishment by administrative law, similar punishment which been revoked by Domestic Military Committee are even more. It is an important issue to implement appropriate process currently. After the death of Hung Chung-chiu, the regulation of military punishment are being followed very closely at the first time. With all attention by our society, those problem of punish regulations, which had actually existing for so long, are being aware by public eventually. The law of armed force had been third reading approved by government on April 21, 2015; and will goes practice since May 8, 2015. The adjustment are to subjoin the regulations, increase the advance process, and to make the way of relief more complete. However, if the adjusted law could really realize our purpose effectively: to reach the balance for military management and the right of military man, we will discuss it with the topic ”The Research of Domestic Military Punish System”. The Research start with the introduction of domestic military punish system nowadays; Second, we goes on discuss the Principle of Reservation by the Judges, specially focus on the classification of punishment which been bind with the principles; Third, we will discuss if the Process of Habeas Corpus Act could be well practicing since July 8, 2014, which the Habeas Corpus Act been first time practice. Next, to see the appropriate administrative process, and to compare the differences of the law before adjustment, then to verify the principle would been practice appropriately from now. Moreover, we will review all defect for previous punish cases, find out the reasons and the conflicts when practicing the punishment. At the last, we will make a brief advice and opinion after all discussion, to propose some feasible advice to fulfill the deficiency, expecting to help the punish system be practice well effectively and appropriately.


6.陳新民,軍事憲法論,揚智文化事業股份有限公司,2000年 4 月。
