  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Negative Emotional Expression of Supervisors and Emotional Regulation of Subordinates

指導教授 : 艾昌瑞


本研究主要在探討主管負向情緒如何引發部屬的情緒反應以及部屬後續的情 緒調節歷程。過去研究雖然涉及主管之不當督導或是主管溝通與對話風格,但 是鮮少研究涉及沒面子與不屑的負面情緒調節議題。本研究運用質性研究方 法,對金融業、染整業、輪圈製造業和洗劑業的 10 位中低階員工深度訪談,研 究結論或整如下: 一、主管負面情緒以輕視話語表達會導致員工出現生氣、恐懼與厭惡的情緒感 受。 二、主管負面情緒公開以責備話語表達會導致員工出現沒面子的情緒感受。 三、主管負面情緒會讓女性員工出現恐懼與厭惡的情緒反應。 四、部屬面對主管負面情緒時會先以情緒壓抑再以正面思考進行情緒調節。


The purpose of this study is to explore the impacts of supervisor’s negative emotion on subordinate’s emotional responses and their emotional regulation processes. Although past studies have devoted to the effects of abusive supervision and dialogue style of supervisors on emotional labor, few study focused on supervisor’s negative emotional expression and subordinate’s negative emotional responses. Based on qualitative research method, this study collected data in semi- interviews with 10 employees from finance sector, dyed industry, cycle manufacture industry and clean liquid industry. The conclusion of this study is shown as follows: (1) Supervisor’s negative emotions with contempt expression resulted in negative emotional responses of subordinates, such as angry, fear and disgust. (2) Supervisor’s negative emotions with scold expression in public resulted in lost- face emotions of subordinates. (3) Supervisor’s negative emotional expression resulted in negative emotional responses of female subordinates, especially, fear and disgust. (4) Facing with supervisor’s negative emotional expression, emotional regulation of subordinates first suppressed their negative emotional response and then devoted to give more positive thought toward supervisor’s negative emotional expression.


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