  • 學位論文


The Research between Communication Surveillance System and Investigative Practice in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王正嘉


通訊監察係偵查機關經常使用的偵查手段,同樣身為偵查機關的司法警察機關自然也不例外,而通訊監察因有侵犯人民的基本權利,屬於偵查中的強制處分,自應受到偵查與強制處分的原理原則所拘束,我國憲法規定如必要限制人民基本權利須有法律規定,而規範我國通訊監察之法律,則係通訊保障及監察法。我國通訊監察制度自1999年立法至今已歷經十數年,中間經歷數次修正,更於2013年底因一連串政治紛爭,通訊監察受到立法以來最大的挑戰,進而導致立法院大規模修正通訊保障及監察法,惟新法在2014年施行後,許多制度上的改變造成偵查機關需隨著調整偵查手段,而制度改變如何影響偵查實務,及偵查實務如何因應制度改變。導入現行偵查實務之數據,進而討論現行通訊監察與調取制度之良窳,係本文探討的重心。 將通訊監察用作犯罪偵查並非我國獨步之制度與偵查手段,而同時係許多先進國家之偵查機關所採,本文將探討美、日兩國通訊監察制度在其國內之狀況與發展情形,進而與我國相較,以瞭解我國法制之不足。在面對不斷演進的犯罪手法,犯嫌為躲避偵查機關通訊監察與追查,已由原先透過黑話轉變為利用網路通訊軟體及其他方式,因此通訊監察現時已非萬能,科技如何影響通訊監察與偵查,且偵查所需資料取得之議題亦係本文探討內容。最後再將本文探討內容總結,並做出適當建議,以供未來通訊監察與偵查法制參考。


Communication surveillance is a common investigative technique used by law enforcements officials, and the judicial police is no exception. Though communication surveillance is an integral measure of conducting investigations, as a compulsory measure, it may infringe people’s fundamental rights, so that it should be governed by the principles of investigation and compulsory measure. According to the Constitution of the Republic of China(Taiwan), fundamental rights should not be infringed upon unless deemed necessary and should be regulated by legislation. The Communication Security and Surveillance Act is the legislation that regulates communication surveillance in Taiwan. Communication surveillance system has been legislated for over a decade and amended several times since 1999, along with a series of political disputes occured at the end of 2013, it confronted the biggest challenge since the law was first legislated, and resulted in a huge amendment of law in Congress. After the newly amended law legislated in 2014, the changes of the system could cause law enforcement mechanism to adjust their investigative techniques. Hence, with the access to communication records, this thesis focuses upon the interaction between new system and investigative practice as well as the pros and cons in communication surveillance. Communication surveillance used for criminal investigations is not an unique system and investigative technique in Taiwan, as it is applied in many advanced countries throughout the world. To explore the strengths and weaknesses of the Taiwanese system, the American and Japanese systems are used as comparison. Moreover, facing the evolving modus operandi, such as the suspects use instant messaging or other measures for the purpose of avoiding communication surveillance or being investigated by law enforcements, the communication surveillance doesn’t serve as the panacea anymore. As a result, how could technology affects communication surveillance and investigation as well as the access to information needed in investigation is also an important issue researched in this thesis. In the end, by summarizing and providing appropriate suggestions, hope that this thesis could serves as the reference for the amendment of communication surveillance and investigation system in the future.




