  • 學位論文


Benefits of a Functional Fitness Training Program for Healthy Aging Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Perspective of Active Aging

指導教授 : 胡夢鯨


本研究以半結構性訪談九位中高齡學員,目的在探討中高齡者透過參加功能性體適能訓練課程學習對健康老化之效益活躍老化觀點的應用,並促進中高齡者藉著學習社會參與和人際互動的機會,使中高齡者獲得生理的健康~心理的愉悅,進而服務貢獻社會之自我實現感。 中高齡者參與功能性體適能訓練課程對日常生活自理能力有明顯助益,也使他們情緒變好,體能狀況變佳,原本身體舊疾的困擾情形也明顯改善 。 中高齡者參與功能性體適能訓練課程讓運動成為生活習慣的一部分,將享有較長的壽命和較佳的健康生活,而在老化的過程中,也能保有健康心身靈並打理自己的生活,符合健康安全參與獨立照顧自主尊嚴,進而能減少家庭負擔及社會醫療成本開銷。 一、對中高齡者相關機構的建議 中高齡者參與功能性體適能訓練是值得各個部門單位機構實施並宣導推廣的。 二、對政府部門的建議 政府應重視中高齡者功能性體適能健康老化,擁有健康的人民,國家的競爭力才會提升。國家投入醫療資源的費用相對地才能減少。 三、對未來研究者建議 對於中高齡者需具備良好溝通能力有耐心、關心、愛心的傾聽者,有助教學效能及增加中高齡長輩的信賴。 中高齡者參與功能性體適能訓練課程對健康老化之效益:活躍老化觀點的應用是值得研究的方向。


This study conducted a semi-structured interview with 9 middle-aged and older adults. The objectives of this study were to (a) investigate the learning outcomes of older adults who participated in a functional fitness training program and (b) examine the benefits of this training program from the perspective of active aging. Subsequently, the training program is aimed at encouraging middle-aged and older adults to learn about social involvement and interpersonal interactions. Thus, middle-aged and older adults could experience physiological well-being and happiness, thereby achieving a sense of self-actualization through contributing to the society. The functional fitness training program markedly enhanced the self-management capability of middle-aged and older adults in their activities of daily living; it also promoted positive emotions in them, improved their physical fitness, and mitigated the distress they experience due to their physical illnesses. By participating in functional fitness training programs, middle-aged and older adults can develop the habit of exercising in their everyday life. Thus, they would be able to enjoy an extended life expectancy and a better healthy living. During their aging process, they could maintain mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, live independently, stay healthy and safe, take care of themselves independently, and retain their self-esteem. Consequently, family burden and social medical costs can be reduced. This study provides the following suggestions to care institutions for middle-aged and older adults, government departments, and future researchers. Various care institutions are recommended to implement and promote functional fitness training programs for middle-aged and older adults. The government should emphasize the importance of functional fitness among middle-aged and older adults to ensure healthy aging. Thus, with healthy citizens, the country’s competitiveness can be enhanced, and the expenditures on medical resources can be reduced accordingly. Middle-aged and older adults require a caring and loving listener who possess effective communication skills and patience; the presence of such a listener will facilitate teaching effectiveness and gain the trust of middle-aged and older adults. Therefore, future studies should further apply the perspective of active aging to extensively explore the benefits of a functional fitness training program for healthy aging among middle-aged and older adults.


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