  • 學位論文


A study on how the people of Siraya pass down their beliefs in and worship of the ancestor "Alimu" from generation to generation.

指導教授 : 黃清順 江寶釵




夜祭 西拉雅 祖靈信仰 吉貝耍 段洪坤


Kabua-Sua village, located in the Dongshan district of Tainan City, is renowned around Taiwan for its "Night Sacrifice ". There are a wide variety of cultural beliefs about ancestral spirits and legends spreading around Kabua-Sua village. However, not a lot of research has been done on how their cultural beliefs have been passed down to the next generation. Moreover, research on how they combine their cultural beliefs and legends has not even been done before. Therefore, this study aims to explore the legends surrounding the people of the Siraya tribe living in Kabua-Sua village and their religious beliefs, particularly their worship of the ” Alimu” ancestor. It will also explore how these beliefs and practices are passed down to the next generation as well as observe how cultural revival movements in Kabua-Sua village develop. By doing so, the study can determine if there are any problems regarding how cultural elements will be passed down to next generation. Concrete suggestions for further studies will also be explored. In conclusion, it is hoped that there are more young people in Kabua-Sua village that can pass down the practice of worshiping the ” Alimu” ancestor and that more research on the history and traditions of Kabua-Sua village can be done.


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