  • 學位論文


Narrative Inquiry of Marital Affection Among Male Perpetrators of Marital Violence

指導教授 : 黃世琤 邱獻輝


本研究欲探究男性婚姻暴力者的夫妻情感內涵與變化歷程,以期釐清他們夫妻情感的狀態與發展,如何導使他們的婚姻演變成婚姻暴力。本研究依循建構主義典範進行敘說探究,邀請曾對妻使用暴力、仍維持婚姻的兩位台灣本籍男性,各接受四次的半結構式訪談,依「整體-內容」原則分析出兩位受訪者的生命敘說及跨個案分析。 研究發現主要分為兩個部分:其一、理想夫妻情:受訪者在自己的生命經歷中形塑了一套理想夫妻情,「同心」與「相互性」。其中「同心」的內涵與華人傳統婚姻觀相契,具有文化意涵。其二、夫妻情感的發展:受訪者在理想夫妻情的認同下生活,發展出不同時期的夫妻情感樣貌。整體而言,受訪者在婚姻中期歷經夫妻生活型態改變,妻子表現也逐漸有違受訪者的「理想」,促其對妻有所埋怨與貶抑,導致夫妻恩情、恩愛之情也漸淡化。此時期受訪者與妻子開始容易吵架,關係陷入較為緊張的狀態。在一次衝突中,妻子不服從受訪者的「理想」,使受訪者感到挫折、以致憤而使用暴力。暴力事件後,受訪者為了想維繫家庭圓滿的的理想,再度與妻子和好,但仍將妻子的付出視為理所當然 本研究透過與文獻對話與研究者省思,發現受訪者堅持「理想」的背後,隱含了追求家庭圓滿的想法。但過於重視「理想」,反而忽視自身情感失落與夫妻感情的培養,致使彼此失去協調,最後導致暴力衝突。本研究以情感層面來解釋婚姻暴力的發生,發現男性情感失落議題存在受訪者的婚姻暴力歷程中,此一發現可做為未來探究華人男性婚姻暴力與婚姻暴力處遇的參考。


In order to clarify how male perpetrators’ affections of marital violence toward their wives influence their marital violence in the affection development, this study explores the characteristics of marital affection among Taiwanese male perpetrators in the process of marital violence. The researcher followed constructivism and adopted narrative inquiry to collect and analyze data. The researcher invited two Taiwanese male perpetrators as interviewees who still preserved their marriage and conducted semi-structured individual interviews for 4 times respectively.The results of this study, including two interviewees' life stories and cross-case analysis, were analyzed by holistic-content rule. The findings of this study contain two parts. (1) Ideal marital affection: Interviewee constructs unique ideal marital affection in their life experiences, "Conjugal concentricity " and " Reciprocity ". The "Conjugal concentricity" corresponds to Chinese traditional marriage concepts, provided with cultural meaning. (2)The development of marital affection: Lived with identification of ideal marital affection, two interviewees have developed different characteristics of marital affection in the stages of their marriage. Generally, they experienced different life styles with their wives. Their wives had not met their "ideal" entirely in this stage. Thus, the two interviewees had felt dissatisfied and belittled. Both marital enqing and intimacy had gradually faded. Both couples had disputed more frequently and their relationships had turned intense. In one occasion, their wives didn't obey their "ideal" again, so they felt frustrated and harmed their wives at the same time. After the violent conflicts, two interviewees made peace with their wives considering the success of family. However, they still take their wives' devoting for granted. Through the dialogues with literatures and researcher reflection, the researcher found out that the core of the interviewees' "ideal" insistence is the desire to reach family success. However, the interviewees valued their "ideal" too much that they neglected their own affection and conjugal relationship management. It made their conjugal relationship uncoordinated, and led to violent conflicts indirectly. Marital violence occurrence was explained by affective perspective in this study. The researcher found that the issue of affection lost in men is a key precursor in marital violence occurrence. Based on these findings, the researcher proposes some advices to coming researches and practices in Chinese male perpetrators of marital violence.


利翠珊(2006)。華人婚姻韌性的形成與變化:概念釐清與理論建構。本土心理學研究,25, 101-137。
利翠珊、陳富美(2004)。配偶親職角色的支持與分工對夫妻恩情的影響。本土心理學研究,21, 49-83。
