  • 學位論文

以視覺 -言語認知類型為導向探討線上數位內容對於閱讀動機之影響

The Impact of Online Digital Content on Reading Motivation: An Approach with Visualizer-Verbalizer Cognitive Styles

指導教授 : 游寶達


資訊與通訊科技的進步,除了提供豐富的資訊內容外更讓資訊的取得不受時間空間的限制。也同時影響了「數位世代」或「數位移民」在閱讀行為上的改變。線上閱讀逐漸成為在閱讀紙本書籍外的另一種獲取知識的方式。雖然線上閱讀的受歡迎程度刺激了數位內容的成長,但是這些數位內容具備的片段性結構往往限制了閱讀能力的發展,尤其在閱讀理解力方面。因此,線上數位內容之呈現方式對於閱讀行為的影響成為本研究的一項探索重點。 既然多媒體是一種網際網路上傳遞訊影像與聲音的方式,把閱讀內容以多媒體方式呈現將可以促進線上閱讀的發展。但是,就個別差異的觀點,學習者使用視覺導向或言語導向來處理資訊的偏好方式,仍需要深入的探索。因此本研究設計了三個實驗來比較閱讀動機與視覺-言語等認知風格的差異性。實驗一利用影音式及網頁式的書籍介紹來比較閱讀動機上的差異。實驗二應用「翻轉教室」概念設計線上學習單元,其所提供課程錄影內容主要以英文來呈現基本微積分概念,課堂活動則以促進基本微積分英文單字記憶為主。本實驗探討視覺-言語等風格之學習者在觀看課程錄影後反映在閱讀讀機上的差異。實驗三透過線上鷹架的導引模式來訓練選取文章中之關鍵字及主要概念,並探索不同認知風格與閱讀動機之差異。本研究的主要目的在於探討數位內容形式呈現模式對於閱讀動機之影響並尋求符合個別差異來提升閱讀動機的方法。


The advent of information and communication technology does not only provide the richness of information but the unlimited accessibility of information. It profoundly affects the reading behavior of people who born as digital natives or digital migrates. Online Reading is evitable that people gradually accept it as a source of acquiring knowledge other than printed reading. However, the popularity of online reading encourages the growth of electronic resources. These materials that possess the characteristic of the fragmental structure will hinder the development of reading skills, especially reading comprehension. Thus, the survey of online reading materials, usually presented as digital contents, is the principal objective of the present study. Since multimedia has become an important media to convey visual and audio information over the internet, the reading material that presented in multimedia form will benefit the progress of online reading. With the perspective of individual difference, the individuals who prefer processing information in verbal orientation or visual orientation still need further exploration. Thus, the present study provides a different presentation of online digital contents that based on the comparison of reading motivation and the verbal and visual cognitive styles. Experiment one provides book information with introductory videos and web pages to observe the difference in readers’ reading motivation. The second experiment employees a “flipped classroom” that students are asked to finish watching the videos that introduce Calculus in English before classes begin then attend the classroom activities for improving the retention of core Calculus keywords. This experiment mainly explores the impact of reading motivation on two different styles- visualizers and verbalizers. The last experiment proposes a website system that support students to practice text summary though online highlighting policy which based on the concept of scaffolding theory. The observation of pupils’ reading motivation also applied with visual and verbal cognitive, but additional comparisons were made based on different form in digital contents presentation. The goal of this study focuses on the display types of digital contents and the impact of reading motivation on these various cognitive styles.


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