  • 學位論文

關於 the generalized Proudman-Johnson equation 的爆炸問題

On the blow-up problems for the generalized Proudman-Johnson equation

指導教授 : 卓建宏


利用數值的方法來探討 generalized Proudman-Johnson equation 的解的爆炸行為,我們利用了周期邊界條件及Grundy-McLaughlin的邊界條件來做計算。 而目前已知結果中,Hamada利用數值的方法證明出這個方程式在a>1時解會爆炸,並且爆炸速率為1,而我們也利用數值的方法去計算解在a<-3時的行為,我們也發現爆炸解會存在並且爆炸速率為1




We consider the blow-up problem for the generalized Proudman-Johnson equation. It was proved that, for the periodic boundary condition, the solutions exist globally if $-3leq aleq 1$. For $a>1$, Hamada showed numerically that a blow-up solution might exist. In this paper, we would like to explore the case of $a<-3$. To this end, we propose a numerical scheme for the computation and use the method given by Cho to determine whether blow-up might occur or not. In addition, we also consider the case of the Grundy-McLaughlin boundary condition. The behavior is different to that of the periodic boundary solution in the case of $a>1$. We check numerically whether this also occur in the case of $a<-3$. Blow-up rate is computed while blow-up occurs. To verify the validity of our results analytical, we analyze by asymptotic expansion to exclude some possibilities.


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