  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Mobile Learning by a Teachers’ Community in a Junior High School in Taiwan

指導教授 : 洪志成


本研究旨在探究一個因應民間企業的「合作行動學習方案」而產生的國中行動學習教師社群,其各階段發展之歷程特性分析。研究方法採用質性觀點,透過深度訪談、參與式觀察、文件分析等方式,對此社群進行近三個學期的觀察研究,探討這個以行動學習為發展主題的教師社群,其誕生成因、各階段的運作特色、挑戰與因應等。其中訪談與該社群發展相關的校長、主任、組長及教師共13人,透過訪談內容及資料分析,歸納本研究結論,並提出建議與省思,以供教育機關和未來研究之參考。歸納結論如下: 一、此由下而上形成的社群源於與民間企業合作的行動學習方案,非行政人員的社群召集人為創辦關鍵,但也因非源於行政體制而增加了社群磨合時間成本。 二、社群初立階段,召集人具備:無私願景、資深專業、充滿熱誠、做先做多及良好溝通能力五個特質,採策略性方式成功邀請成員加入社群,但隨著社群階段任務不同,召集人更換,社群運作發生問題。 三、自目前為止,社群呈現三階段不同的特色:(一) 醞釀籌組階段--熱血積極。(二) 建構磨合階段-冷卻停滯。(三) 發展運用階段-逐步推行。但社群三階段發展未必呈現漸入佳境。 四、社群三階段最大挑戰分別為: (一) 知識點教材產出耗時費力(二) 社群召集人不明(三) 行動學習融入於教學的不適應。 五、面對挑戰,各階段主要因應方式如下: (一)第一階段的知識點教材產出困境,其突破有賴至少兩個關鍵:1.領頭羊身先士卒。2. 社群成員相互合作,各貢獻所長。此階段的社群運作積極,知識點順利產出。 (二)第二階段的召集人不明的困境,其突破有賴至少三個關鍵:1.成立社群教師LINE群組作為交流平台。2.各自進行無平板電腦的行動教學嘗試。3.藉由期末訪談,明確定位召集人。此階段社群趨緩甚至一度停滯,但個人成長加劇。 (三)第三階段的行動學習融入於教學的不適應困境,其突破有至少三個方式: 1.請合作基金會講師至校授課。2.加入合作基金會FB社群3.尋找翻轉學習教材資源。此階段社群重啟運作,思考應用此載具較簡便方式。 六、教師參與社群後的改變為: (一)教師積極嘗試行動學習教學應用(二) 嘗試建置學生班級臉書行動學習社群。


The study aimed to analyze the different phases of a "Cooperative Mobile Learning Project" by a junior high school Teachers’ Community. Based on a qualitative paradigm, this study used in-depth interviews, participant observations, and document analysis to examine different challenges and responses at the initial and implementing stages.) of the Teachers’ Community within 3 semesters. A total 13 interviewees including the principal, directors, section chiefs and teachers participated in this study. The results of this study provide a reference for future research on educational institutions. A summary of the study: 1. This Cooperative Mobile Learning project was initiated bottom-up by a teachers’ community in collaboration with a private company. The non-executive community convener played the key role. As the convener was not assigned top-down from the administrative system, the community negotiation time increased. 2. At the initial phase, the community convener who had a selfless vision, professional experiences, passion, , a “do first do more” principle, and good communication, positively attracted the members to join the community. However, as the convener changed at the different stages of the task, it caused some issues on community operation. 3. The community presented different characteristics in the three phases: (1) preparation phase: positive and passionate. (2) construction and negotiation phase: cooling stagnation. (3) Development phase: gradually implementing. But it was not necessarily getting better from phase 1 to phase 3. 4. The biggest challenges during the three phases are: (1) time-consuming to generate the knowledge points for textbook output. (2) no community convener clearly assigned. (3) Maladjustment of teaching with Mobile Learning. 5. Responses to overcome the challenges are as follows: i. Phase 1: how to overcome the problem of generating knowledge points for textbook output. (1) Convener takes the lead. (2) Community members cooperate with each other and give full play to their strengths. The two key factors helped the community to operate positively and generate the knowledge points for textbook output smoothly. ii. Phase 2: how to break through the difficult situations that no convener had been clearly assigned. (1) Create a LINE group for the community as a platform. (2) Develop mobile learning without tablets. (3) Assign convener clearly through interviews with community members. Although there was a slowdown and became stagnant in the community development for a while, there was a rapid growth in personal development. iii. Phase 3: how to readjust teaching to adapt Mobile Learning. (1) Invite lecturers from the cooperative foundation to classroom. (2) Join the cooperative foundation Facebook community. (3) Search the teaching materials of Flipped Classrooms as alternatives to using tablets. 6. Changes of the teachers’ behaviors who joined the Teachers’ Community: (1) Teachers are willing to try Mobile Learning to teach with positive attitudes. (2) Willingness to create and maintain a Facebook Community for the students as the class platform of Mobile Learning communities.


孫志麟(2010)。 專業學習社群:促進教師專業發展的平台[Professional Learning Community: The Platform of Teacher Professional Development]。學校行政(69),頁 138-158。
