  • 學位論文


Foreign Religious Non-profit Organizations in Taiwan: A Case Study of Bethlehem Foundation

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


本研究採取文獻分析法、歷史分析法、個案研究法、訪談法進行研究,旨在瞭解國外宗教型非營利組織在臺灣的發展歷史、運作模式;歸納整理國外宗教型非營利組織在醫療、教育、社福慈善、人權等領域的發展歷史與服務宗旨;探討國外宗教型非營利組織對於臺灣現代化的貢獻與影響,並以天主教臺南教區之「伯利恆文教基金會」為個案進行研究。 研究發現歸納如下: 1、 在臺灣物資匱乏的年代裡,傳教士向國外尋求金援與資源;臺灣經濟得以自足後,這些國外宗教非營利組織向臺灣社會募款或採公私協力模式以維持運作。 2、 神職人員犧牲奉獻的真實事蹟,能打動不同族群與宗教人士齊心支持慈善事業。 3、 國外宗教型非營利組織對於臺灣在醫療、教育文化、社福慈善、人權思想的現代化具有重要的貢獻。 4、 國外宗教型非營利組織,不僅只是以出世精神,提供入世的慈善服務,更致力貫徹普世價值「人權、自由、平等、民主、博愛」。


This study adopts literature analysis, historical research analysis, case studies, and interviews. The purpose is to understand foreign religious non-profit organizations in Taiwan, including histories and operations. Meanwhile, the thesis collates data of their service essence in medical treatment, education, social welfare charity, human rights and other fields. Finally, it explores the contributions and influences of foreign religious non-profit organizations for the modernization of Taiwan, using The Bethlehem Foundation for a case research. The results of this study led to a number of findings: First, when Taiwan is undergoing an age of poverty, missionaries seek financial aids and resources from the motherland. After the economy raises, foreign religious non-profit organizations raise money from the public in Taiwan or adopt a partnership mode to maintain the operation. Second, the clergy’s deeds of taking care of the disadvantaged attract people of different ethnic groups and religions together to support charity. Third, foreign religious non-profit organizations in Taiwan have important contributions to medical treatment, education and culture, social welfare charity, modern ideology of human rights. Fourth, the organizations not only provide charitable services for the world with the spirit of the clergy but devote themselves to implementing the universal values of "human rights, freedom, equality, democracy, and fraternity."


官有垣,「非營利組織在臺灣的發展: 兼論政府對財團法人基金會的法令規範」,收錄於,行政管理論文選輯第十七輯(臺北: 銓敘部,2003年),頁43-71。
Richard Madsen,「臺灣天主教會的成長與衰退:以瑪利諾會的兩個傳教區為例」,臺灣學誌,第6期(2012年10月),頁53-76。
