  • 學位論文


A Study of Negotiation of Meaning among EFL University Students in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication

指導教授 : 紀鳳鳴


學習者可以藉由使用同步電腦輔助溝通(SCMC)工具和同儕間進行直接且有意義的對話,也因此有機會在對話中透過語意協商,使學習者調整其語言,進而促進語言的學習。雖然先前有許多關於SCMC和語言學習的研究,它們大部分都著重在文字通訊(text chat),較少有研究討論語音通訊(voice chat)對於語言學習的影響。因此,本研究旨在探討以英文為學習外語的大學生如何透過語音通訊進行語意協商。此外,本研究亦探討學生對於Skype語音通訊軟體應用於英文學習的態度及看法。本研究之參與者為二十四位英語系大學生,每三人為一組,每組參與三次以「科技」為主題之線上討論。在每一次討論前,參與者須先觀看兩段指派的YouTube 影片再進行討論。當三次線上討論完成後,每組參與者接受面對面訪談。所有資料,均轉錄為逐字稿。資料收集包括語音通訊模式下的對話逐字稿及訪談逐字稿。研究結果發現同步線上討論時的語意協商大部分會經過四個階段: 疑問的產生(trigger)、提問者提出疑問 (indicator)、回答者修正其訊息(response)、提出疑問的一方做出回應表示疑問已澄清(reaction to the response)。本研究結果也發現言說內容(content)是主要造成溝通疑問的主要原因,而提問者大多會使用推論策略(inferential strategies)來提問,去猜測對方所要表達的語意或內容。大部分情況下,回答者會以簡短回答(minimal response),換句話說(rephrasing),或以在進一步詳加解釋(elaboration)的方式去澄清疑問,最後提問者會以簡短直接的方式(minimal reaction to response)來表達已理解對方的意思或以延伸對話的方式(task appropriate response)來間接地表示理解。參與者認為使用Skype語音通訊軟體進行英文學習是有趣且有成效的,因為他們能夠在較沒有壓力且真實的情境中和同儕練習英文和交換意見。本研究最後提供一些教學建議及未來研究方向。


Synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC) provides a context for language learners to have direct and meaningful interactions with one another, as well as opportunities to negotiate meaning when non-understanding occurs. While there is a considerable literature on SCMC and language learning, most of these studies focus primarily on text chats, and little research has been conducted on voice chats. This study thus aimed at exploring negotiation of meaning among EFL university students in voice chats. Two research questions were addressed in this work: (1) How did the participants maintain their ongoing conversations through negotiation of meaning when non-understanding occurred during voice chats?; (2) How did the participants perceive Skype as a voice chat tool for learning English? The study was conducted over a five-week period. Twenty-four university students, who were put into groups of three, were required to engage in three chat sessions to discuss technology-related topics after viewing assigned YouTube video-clips. Two types of data were collected and analyzed in order to answer the research questions: voice chat transcripts and the semi-structured oral interviews. The findings indicated that the majority of negotiation routines in voice chats followed four stages: (1) triggers that caused comprehension difficulties; (2) indicators signaled by the participants for non-understanding; (3) responses that elaborated on the confusing part of the utterances; (4) reactions to the response that completed the negotiation and signaled the interlocutor was ready to go back to the main line of the conversation. Moreover, this study showed that the content of utterances was the primary cause of non-understanding during voice chats, which, in most of cases, was indicated by the inferential strategies, and the participants who caused non-understanding tended to reply with short responses, or rephrase and further elaborate on the confusing part of the utterances, which usually resulted in either minimal reactions to the response or task appropriate responses. With regard to the perceptions of Skype, the participants regarded it as an interesting and effective tool to learn English, because it provided a non-threatening and real-world context for them to practice English and exchange different perspectives with their peers. The pedagogical implications of this study and suggestions for future research are also provided.


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