  • 學位論文


The Study on the Patent System to Protect Biopharmaceuticals

指導教授 : 陳文吟


專利制度為賦予發明人排他權,而促進實用技術發展與提升科學技術之水準。生物製藥與生物科技為新興科學,生物製藥係利用生命有機體為基礎,運用各種生物技術創造發明新藥物。其中,利用分子農場之生物製藥為新興之生產模式,其與基因轉殖作物息息相關。各國政府致力推動生物科技之發展,並為促進國家經濟發展而參與國際組織與協定,加上相關生物製藥產業發展迅速,對該國專利制度與醫藥法規造成衝擊。 我國生技醫藥產業發展著力於以創新為基礎、附加價值較高之生物製藥等產品,目前我國生技醫藥產業尚屬於萌芽階段,故高度倚賴完善之專利制度保護。現行生物製藥產業,主要由生物體或細胞進行藥物之生產,但我國現行專利制度,動、植物非專利保護客體,造成生物科技與生物製藥產業之發展阻力,故應儘速開放動、植物受專利保護。此外,為因應貿易自由化與區域經濟整合趨勢,目前我國積極參與跨太平洋夥伴協定,其於智慧財產部分,要求締約會員應在藥品核准程序上引進核准前專利爭端解決程序,惟,目前我國尚未有完整醫藥品專利連結制度、資料專屬保護機制與嚴謹之生物製藥相關法規,而美國為現今生物製藥發展之重要國家,亦訂定相關法規制度。我國得參考如美國立法例,建立完善之生物製藥專利制度,促進我國生物製藥產業之發展。 我國若能建立更有彈性與效率之生物製藥專利保護機制,將可驅使全球相關產業向我國申請專利制度保護,在妥善之專利制度與醫藥管理辦法等引領下,吸引全球生物製藥技術與資金湧入我國,除帶動製藥相關產業之發展,亦促使國家經濟繁榮,提昇我國之國際地位與重要性,同時也提供全球人類健康福祉之貢獻,達到創立專利制度之初衷。


The patent system gives inventor exclusive rights, which promotes the development of the practical technology and improves scientific and technological level. Biopharmaceuticals and biotechnology are the emerging science. The biopharmaceuticals are based on life organisms and use various biotechnologies to create new drugs. Among them, biopharmaceutical that utilizes the molecular farm is a novel production platform, and is closely associated with transgenic crops. The governments of various countries have devoted more resource to the promotion and development in biotechnology, as well as participating in international organization and convention in hopes of better economic development. With this rapid growth in the relevant industries, the impact on the pharmaceutical legislations and patent systems is inevitable. United States of America plays an important role in the development of the biopharmaceuticals industry and also in the formation of relevant pharmaceutical regulation systems. This research paper first discusses the medicines and biopharmaceutical patent systems in the United States, and then compares that to the current patent system in Taiwan. Additionally, it introduces the pharmaceutical regulations systems from various countries, such as patented drugs and generics of protection, patent linkage system, data exclusivity, etc., which can serve as the foundation in drafting relevant laws for biopharmaceuticals in our country, thereby encouraging the development in related industries of the biopharmaceuticals. Finally, this study suggests that our country should take the initiative to make the plants and animals patents possible, therefrom provides protection for these biopharmaceutical materials.


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8. 余淑美,植物分子農場生產生物製劑,植物種苗生技,第九期,第38頁至第41頁,民國96年9月。
10. 李治安,由AMP v. Myriad Genetics, Inc.案談基因專利之適格性,智慧財產評論,第12卷,第2期,第1頁至第46頁,民國103年12月。
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