  • 學位論文


Cluster Analysis of Liver Cancer Biomarkers

指導教授 : 王逢盛


生物體內有著各式各樣的新陳代謝,而肝臟則是生物體的代謝中心,除去體內毒素、合成蛋白質、分泌消化液…等,是生物體中最重要的器官之一。而俗話說「肝是沉默的器官」其來有自,肝臟是唯一沒有痛覺神經的器官,故當肝臟發生病變,沒有辦法經由痛覺提醒我們注意,因此,肝癌的篩檢就成為了治療的關鍵。生物體內的代謝物透過網路結構運行,發生病變時,代謝網路就會改變,本研究利用肝細胞代謝網路模型Recon2 Liver Model,進行巢狀式混合進化計算法(Nest Hybrid Differential Evolution , NHDE) 與通量變化量分析 (Flux Variation Analysis , FVA),再經集群分析(Cluster Analysis)後,挑選出可能成為生物標記的代謝物,搜尋結果中,部分已經由文獻證實和肝癌有所關連,而尚未驗證的,則可以提供實驗學者一個找尋肝癌生物標記的方向與參考。


肝臟 癌化 生物標記代謝物


Metabolism processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life. Liver, center of metabolism of organism, has a wide range of functions, including detoxification of various metabolites , protein synthesis , and the production of bio-chemicals necessary for digestion …, is one of the most important organ of the organism. People says “Liver is a silent organ”, the liver is the only organ that feel no pain, even when it is in disease. So, the key point of treatment is medical inspection. Metabolism processes in organism in network, and the network statue will be influenced by the disease or any abnormal outside impact. In this study, we use Recon2 liver model to describe model of liver network, and do the optimal search for liver cancer biomarker within Nested Hybrid Differential Evolution (NHDE), Flux Variation Analysis (FVA) and Cluster Analysis. Some metabolites of the result had been proven by literature that there are some relationship between these metabolites and liver cancer. And the others, may be suggestions of new liver cancer biomarkers searching.


Liver Cancer Biomarkers


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