  • 學位論文


The Effects of Working Conditions’ Inspection on Human Resource Management

指導教授 : 黃良志


本研究主要探討企業接受勞動條件檢查的實施現況與檢查後對企業造成的影響,以及未來採取之人力資源管理因應之措施。探討內容以科技業前五大受罰之議題,包含:延長工時加發給工資(加班費給付)、超時延長工作(超時加班)、工資全額給付、置備勞工出勤紀錄表及特別休假給予等方面。   研究方法採用質性研究,透過蒐集資料及分析資料的質化程序產生研究結果。進行的方法包括文獻分析、次級資料分析、深度訪談法。經文獻資料整理、分析後,聚焦在重要的主題上,並設計半結構式的訪談大綱,以利進行訪談。訪談對象採用立意抽樣方式,挑選具代表性的企業,訪問人力資源部門主管對研究主題的認知及看法。   研究結果顯示,企業對勞動檢查抱持肯定與支持,認為合理、適度的勞動條件檢查可達到保障勞動權益之目的,促使企業更瞭解立法精神,以遵守規定。對人力資源管理實務正面的影響為:可協助人資部門落實合法性管理制度推展、友善的勞動檢查可促進勞資和諧。另外,負面的影響為:增加行政作業負擔、促使產業外移、影響企業及勞工的經濟。   本研究依據研究結果提出對勞動條件檢查政策的建議:(1)考量人資部門的行政作業面,應適時、適度、適量檢查;(2)實施勞動條件檢查時,考量法、理、情,依據實務事實給予改善建議;(3)加強勞動條件檢查員的專業認知與態度;(4)政府應提出更具體勞動檢查之效益;(5)應考量企業運作面,以促進勞資和諧;(6)加強勞動條件檢查之因應,以守法為原則。以上研究建議將提供給實務界之參考,以期維繫更佳的勞資關係。


This research study focuses on current implementation of corporate working conditions' inspections, the effects of subsequent working conditions' inspection, and additional human resource actions. Included in these discussions are top five penalties imposed by the government exclusively against technology industries. These penalties are overtime wages, additional overtime, full wages payment, recording workers' working hours and special vacation.   The method of this quality research is through thorough analytical data collection and careful analysis of the data, in order to achieve a clear result. This entailed attentive documents analysis, secondary data analysis and in-depth interviews. After careful documents analysis, the main topics were readily identified. Furthermore, detailed interview preparations facilitated productive in-depth interviews. The workers that were interviewed were chosen at random, and visitation to the head of human resources at selecting top corporations in order to get their viewpoints on the subject matter.   The corporations involved agree with and support the inspections of working conditions realizing these inspections will ensure the protection of the workers' rights and in addition the corporations will fully appreciate and follow the legislation intentions. There will be a positive and negative impact on human resources management. The positive impacts will be a legalizing of the management systems and the development systems, and the labor inspections will cause an increase in the well-being between employers and employees. The negative consequences include additional administrative burdens, outsourcing and an effect of employees and employers on the economy.   The study concludes with some suggestions including: i) an inspection which should be timely, appropriate, adequate; ii) a change of working conditions in consideration of policies, reasons and situations; iii) an improvement of labor inspectors’ professional knowledge and attitude; iv) the conducting labor inspections needs to provide more solid beneficial result; v) in order to furtherance balanced the relationships between employers and employees, the government should see things from the business operation aspect; vi) management needs to strengthen inspections while maintaining compliance with the law.


