  • 學位論文


Research on Dr. Zhi-Yuan Fu’s medical writing

指導教授 : 江寶釵 黃清順


在當前流行全民書寫的新世紀裡,醫師從事醫療書寫的並非少數,各專科醫師所書寫的醫療場景,常因不同專長而呈現其各自的特色。外科醫師有別於其他科別醫師的性質,而其工作場域的特殊性,更增添其書寫上的特色。傅志遠為外傷急症外科醫師,此科別針對外傷、急症與重症病患進行診治,並處於醫療第一線上,因此,他的醫療書寫也就更受到關注。自網路書寫起家,後續接連出版著作,傅氏以其醫療上的專業眼光和己飢己溺的堅定與仁心,更讓他的書寫有別於其他醫生的相關論述。要之,傅志遠的醫療書寫範圍從急診室推及到醫療倫理議題與醫療抉擇過程,擴展至錯綜複雜的醫病關係。在這其中,傅志遠藉著不同主題的書寫,呈現外科醫師處於醫療現場的視野,使得讀者可藉由閱讀文本,對於書寫主題能詳加思考與釐清醫療迷思,筆者著眼於此,以傅志遠之醫療書寫作為研究主題,嘗試勾勒相關書寫背景,並進一步探索他書寫主題的內蘊。 關鍵詞:醫療書寫、外傷急症、外科、傅志遠


傅志遠 外科 外傷急症 醫療書寫


In the current digitial literacy era, not a few doctors engage in medical writing. Because different specialists have different expertise , their medical writing scenarios also have different features. Unlike other physicians, surgeon’s working enviroment has its own distinctiveness. This kind of distinctiveness enriches surgeon writer’s literature. Dr. Zhi-Yuan Fu is a surgeon who specializes in traumatology and emergency medicine. Dr. Zhi-Yuan Fu has been on the front lines of making diagnoses and giving treatments to trauma patients, emergency cases, and critically ill patients. Therefore, compared to other doctor’s writing, his medical writing is of more public concern. He began by writing on his blogs. Then, he published his own books. His professional opinions and benevolent heart make his literature differ from other physician’s writing. To sum up, the content of Dr. Fu’s writing ranges from emergency cases to medical ethic issues and medical decision making processes. Moreover, the content of his writing extends to complicated doctor-patient relationship. Through different topics of writing, Dr. Fu presents surgeon’s viewpoints in the medical field. By reading Dr. Fu’s writing, the readers could ponder his writing topics and clarify some medical myths. Aiming to what Dr. Fu could bring to the readers, the author chooses Dr. Fu’s medical writing as research topic and tries to outline Dr. Fu’s writing background and futhure explores the embedded meanings in Dr. Fu literature. Keywords: medical writing, traumatology and emergency medicine, surgery, Dr. Zhi-Yuan Fu


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