  • 學位論文


A Study of Intimate Partner Violence From the Perspective of Aboriginal Male Perpetrator and Prevention Strategy.

指導教授 : 邱獻輝


原住民親密暴力從國內家庭暴力通報數據上來看,所佔比例為4.5%,然原住民人口數僅占僅佔全國人口數約2.23%,顯見原住民親密暴力防治研究之嚴重性。此外,台灣親密暴力研究多偏重女性受暴者,少見男性親密暴力者之觀點,縱使以男性親密暴力者為主體,大多係漢人角度,卻少專有原住民男性親密暴力者聲音,故為使國內親密暴力研究融入不同角度,試從原住民親密暴力者觀點作為主體出發。 本研究有兩位受訪者,研究者以質性研究之半結構深度訪談親密暴力者的施暴經驗來取得研究樣本,每次訪談一小時至三小時,各訪談兩次;訪談資料經過摘要、抽取概念,由研究者與一名協同分析者完成研究分析,最終綜合分析取得之六個共同主題,分別為:「溝通不良而無法滿足伴侶間情感需求」、「伴侶有飲酒問題」、「盡量維繫婚姻」、「不滿己有道理打伴侶被視為親密暴力」、「情緒抒發管道:酒、家人支持」以及「認為司法不公且其介入無助於家庭」。 研究末尾,對親密關係中的父權文化、對法不入家門之看法、原住民親密暴力之處遇內涵做討論,並於結論中以原住民親密暴力者對親密暴力之觀點、原住民親密暴力者對目前家庭防治法之介入與其處遇的觀點和針對原住民親密暴力之防治策略來回應研究問題。最後在實務上建議應於原住民部落中加強宣導親密暴力之預防,並專設原住民親密暴力處遇專員,司法社福單位在處置親密暴力事件時,也應顧及親密暴力者感受,方能使親密暴力處遇發揮更大成效。另外飲酒問題在原住民親密暴力中問題嚴重,若能夠針對有酒精問題之伴侶雙方都納入戒酒處遇計畫,或許能降低日後因飲酒關係所促發的暴力因子。


According to the national survey data of the intimate partner violence,aboriginal only account for so much percentage of it. But only 2.23 percent of the national population are aboriginal. It indicate that the intimate partner violence prevention research is sorely needed. Besides, intimate partner violence research in Taiwan put emphasis on female victim of intimate partner violence rather than male perpetrator. Even though the research focus on the male perpetrator, it barely concentrate on the perspective of Aboriginal Male Perpetrator, it all about han Chinese. In order to expand different views in intimate partner violence research, researcher tried to look into intimate partner violence in Aboriginal Male Perpetrator’s viewpoint. There are two Respondents in this research. The researcher gathered the data through semi-structured in-depth interviews. Each respondent was interviewed twice, one to three hours for each time. Several factors lead to dissatisfied affection between domestic partners: poor communication lead to dissatisfied affection between intimate partner、Alcohol abuse problem in intimate partner、Reluctantly maintain the marriage、Reasonable beating behavior was recognized as intimate partner violence、Express emotions from: drinking, family support and Consider the justice system to be biased, moreover, judicatory intervention is useless to domestic issue. In the end, this research had a discussions on Patriarchal culture in intimacy、the validity of intervening domestic issue by law and adjustment in Aboriginal intimate partner violence’s treatment program, finally the research came to a conclusion and made some suggestions.


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