  • 學位論文

持續性企業流程管理之研究 - 以S公司企業營運資訊整合平台之採購循環開發為例

Business Process Management Operation of the Enterprise Integrated Information Platform Development of S Company: A Survey of Purchase Cycle

指導教授 : 張碩毅




The failure rate of IT projects all over the world reaches 80%. There is also 50% of budge overspent or deley in settlement for successful projects. If there are third party notarization personnel such as project auditors to inspect the schedule and deficiency of projects in each stage of life cycle in order to assist in project improvement till settlement of the project, and each project is equipped with a set of professional inspection mechanism for overall supervision, the failure rate of the projects can be greatly reduced. The study mainly explores how to add audit standards appropriately in the life cycle of project induced in SAP system with the purpose to establish a set of information project control complying with the industrial demands and apply audit standard mechanism in all kinds of project management in order to improve the success rate of project execution and project quality. The study adopts cases study to verify the feasibility of the application of the information project and audit mechanism in practice.


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