  • 學位論文


A Study of Phonology Variation between [z] and [l] in Taiwan Southern Min

指導教授 : 何德華


本文主要探討高雄市鳳山區閩南語[z]和[l]的語音變異與變遷之現象,以同時取樣不同年齡群之方式進行研究分析。根據社會方言學的調查與文獻的記載,臺灣的閩南語[z]和[l]的語音變異是進行中的變化。文獻中指出,最容易觸發[z]變為[l]之規律運作環境是合口陽聲韻[un];且以老年人保留較多古音[z]。因此本文以社會因素與語言因素兩方向,提出三個主要探討的問題:(1) 高雄市鳳山區老、中、青三代[z]語音變項(phonological variable)的變異情形為何?(2) [z]和[l]的語音變異是否受世代、性別、教育程度、職業等社會因素影響?(3) [z]和[l]的語音變異是否受後接語音環境類別、音節位置、受測音節調值、音節數等語言因素影響? 本文邀請高雄市鳳山地區老、中、青三個世代,每個世代男性各10位,女性各10位,總共60位受訪者。透過詞彙表(word list)唸讀,問答及訪談的方式來調查[z]及[l]的語音變異現象。藉由蘊含關係表、長條圖展示[z]、[l]與世代性別的分佈情況;使用Rbrul (Johnson, 2009) 迴歸分析法,探討世代、性別、教育程度、職業,可能會影響發音改變的社會因素,及可能致使發音改變的語言因素;利用決策樹探勘資料,自動找出變項間重要交互作用關係,進一步確認分析結果。 研究結果顯示,在社會因素中,除了「世代」顯著影響[z]和[l]的選擇外,「性別」、「教育程度」、「職業」等社會因素未顯著影響其變異。「世代」中,老年人、中年人傾向保留[z],而青年人則傾向轉變至[l]。在語言因素中,「後接語音環境類別」、「音節位置」、「受測音節調值」、「音節數」皆未顯著影響變異。本研究因此提出結論,「世代」為顯著重要因素,影響[z]和[l]的選擇。


The thesis aims to investigate the phonological variation between [z] and [l] with the design of sampling from different generations. The phonological variation between [z] and [l] in Taiwan Southern Min is ongoing according to the investigations of sociodialectology, which describes [un], a regular and phonological context, triggers changing from [z] to [l]. Moreover, people in old generation tend to reserve [z]. Thus, the thesis raises three research questions from the perspectives of ‘external (social) factors’ and ‘internal (linguistic) factors’ to examine linguistic variation and change: (1) How is the variation between [z] and [l] occurring in the old, middle, and young generations of the Fengshan District of Kaohsiung? (2) Is the variation between [z] and [l] affected by social factors, such as generations, gender, education, and occupations? (3) Is the variation between [z] and [l] affected by linguistic factors, such as categories of phonological context, the syllable positions, the tones of the syllable, and the counts of the syllable in words? A total of 60 participants, divided into generations with 10 participants of males and females each, were invited to read a word list, to speak in a manner of short question-and-answer, and to be interviewed in Taiwan Southern Min. The data were analyzed with Implicational Scaling, and Bar Chart (for descriptive statistics) to describe the frequency distributions of [z] and [l]. With Rbrul analysis (Johnson, 2009), a mixed-effect regression was performed to ensure whether social and linguistic predictors account for the alternation between [z] and [l]. A Decision Tree method was also used to automatically detect the interactions in the independent variables and variation beyond main effects in a regression model. The results show that the social factor ‘generation’ significantly affected the choice between [z] and [l], whereas other social factors ‘gender’, ‘education’, and ‘occupation’ did not. The people in old and middle generations tended to reserve [z], while the people in young generation tended to reserved [l]. None of the linguistic factors, e.g., categories of phonological context, the syllable positions, the tones of the syllable, and the counts of the syllable in words, significantly affected the choice of [z] and [l]. The conclusion is that ‘generation’ indeed affects the variation between [z] and [l].


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