  • 學位論文


Implementation of the Layered Desktop Structure with Virtual Disk Technology: A multi-OS Environment Management and Rapid Deployment System

指導教授 : 黃仁竑


學校單位的資訊管理人員常需面臨對數量龐大的電腦教室及校園公用電腦設備進行軟體系統的安裝、更新、維護等部署作業,並在發生問題後儘速回復至正常可用的狀態。一般學校常採用還原卡、無磁碟系統或再生龍(Clonezilla)系統來提供「大量部署」以及「快速回復」等等功能,幫助資訊管理人員處理這些問題,然而這些系統仍存在若干缺點和限制。   本研究提出一套應用虛擬磁碟檔案系統架構實現電腦桌面環境分層管理的方法,將桌面環境分為作業系統層(OS Layer)、應用軟體層(AP Layer)以及暫存資料層(Data Layer),並據此實作出一套具備大量部署與快速還原功能的多重開機管理維護系統。本論文除了驗證此一方法的可行性之外,經由實測也顯示其應用在中小學電腦教室日常管理維護作業時所展現的效能優勢。研究中顯示我們所實作出的系統具有以下的特點: (1)具備多重作業系統桌面環境開機選單; (2)提供方便且彈性的部署作業模式; (3)具有軟體環境快速還原的功能; (4)提供敏捷的日常教學準備及維護; (5)能適用於異質性電腦硬體環境。   最後,本論文也列出了數個實際應用案例,包含在分佈於數個縣市中小學逾6000台電腦的實地測試,顯示確能有效降低管理人力成本並符合教學上的需求。


Deploying Operation System (OS) and its applications on a large number of machines, either personal computers or handheld devices, is a routine but pesky task for IT staffs in K-12 schools. This research work developed a management system for multi-OS environment for IT staffs in K-12 schools to deploy and maintain desktop environment package on large number of machines in their campus. A Layered Desktop Structure (LDS) with Virtual Disk Technology (VHD) has been implemented to simplify the deployment process. The LDS partitioned the desktop environment into several logical and isolated virtual disk files which usually include the OS layer, the application layer and the data layer. The proposed solution is easy to dynamically manage x86 desktops for diverse demands from different computer classes or compute-intensive task deployments. Important features of our proposed solution include (1) A boot-menu for desktop environment and management utility; (2) Provide easy and elastic OS and software deploy method; (3) Support fast recovery for a ruined desktop environment; (4) Provide rapid maintenance service to support daily learning activities; (5) Support heterogeneous hardware platforms (desktop/notebook/netbook PC). The proposed solution has been tested and deployed on more than six thousands of machines in K-12 schools in Taiwan. The experimental results showed that the solution is able to reduce the manpower cost and effectively serving the needs from the teaching sites.


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