  • 學位論文


Using Ontology-based Data Mining Methods for the Detection of Fraudulent Financial Statements

指導教授 : 孫嘉明 張碩毅


財務報表舞弊對社會造成較高的損失,若能利用資料探勘方法結合本體知識以提供查核人員在進行查核時的決策攸關資訊,對會計師和審計人員將有莫大幫助。 本研究樣本主要來自投資人保護中心的「團體訴訟案件進行中案件彙總表」、並輔以「司法院判決書查詢系統」及新聞媒體,從中蒐集2002年至2016年間符合本研究定義之31家財報舞弊公司,與其配對之正常公司為93家。 本研究先整理過去文獻普遍所使用之財務變數建構與財報舞弊相關的財務指標作為初步的本體知識;接著以資料探勘的決策樹CART及隨機森林演算法進行重要變數的選取;並以決策樹、類神經網路和支援向量機評估分類的準確性;然後根據決策樹建立判斷企業所進行財報舞弊手法的準則;最後完成企業財報舞弊本體知識。本研究將財報舞弊偵測模型與本體知識結合,能夠呈現企業發生財報舞弊的徵兆與類型。


Financial statement fraud causes the society to suffer losses. The research is combining data mining techniques and ontology to provide relevance information for decision makers. The results will be great help to accountants and auditors for detecting financial statement fraud. In this study, the samples that conform to the definition of financial statement fraud companies are selected from Class-Action Litigation or Arbitration Ongoing Cases in Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center, The Judicial Yuan Of The Republic of China Law and Regulations Retrieving System, and news media. This study collect 31 companies who have involved in financial statements fraud, as well as 93 companies who have not during 2002-2016 as paired samples (1:3). Our analysis procedures are: First, using financial variables that previous studies had used to measure financial statements fraud as initial ontology of financial statement fraud; Second, followed by a decision tree data mining algorithms and randomforest data mining algorithms the important variables are selected; Third, we use decision tree, artificial neural network, and support vector machines of data mining algorithms to assess the accuracy of classification; Fourth, we establish criteria based on the decision tree to judge whether the enterprise faced financial statement fraud; At last, we build ontology knowledge of financial statement fraud. The proposed early warning model for financial statement fraud with ontology knowledge will provide convinced pattern and typologies of financial statement fraud.


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