  • 學位論文


The Changes Of Self-Concept and Life Style In Males After Using Skin Care Products

指導教授 : 曾光華


愛「面子」早已不是女人的專利,裡外兼備更是現今男性追求的目標。男性對於購買使用美妝保養品的觀念漸為普及,早已不似過去的排斥與趨避,而普及程度亦能從生活中觀察發現。對消費者而言,購買產品並非僅考慮其功效,產品之象徵性意義亦是購買行為之重要因素。美妝保養品的使用,會帶給消費者外表的改變,既然自我概念會影響美妝保養品的購買使用,那麼使用後,是否也會影響消費者的自我概念呢?男性消費者間的差異甚大,有著不同的自我概念,在使用產品的感受以及生活上更會有所不同,那麼,在自我概念與生活型態上,又會有何轉變呢? 然而,過去關於男性美妝保養品之研究大多鎖定在購買動機以及消費行為上,探討消費者決策相關概念,卻鮮少有針對消費者購買後與使用後的深入了解,固本研究聚焦在使用後的自我概念及其生活型態轉變之探討。 本研究採用半結構式訪談,透過文獻探討與立意抽樣,選取20-30歲間的男性,且有使用臉部進階保養產品的消費者,共訪談12位。 本研究以自我概念的四個構面進行分析彙整,將研究結果分為三個類型,使用後男性消費者的自我概念分別可分為:強化自我型、回歸自然型、穩定自我型。強化自我型以及回歸自然型的消費者肯定保養品的使用效果,因而在使用後,在自我概念上有明顯的改變,且屬於正面的提升。兩種類型的消費者在注意外貌程度以及在乎他人看法的程度上有不同的結果,故將其分為不同類型。穩定自我型的消費者在保養品的使用效果上,未如前兩類型消費者一樣持正面態度,故在使用後,自我概念並未有明顯的改變。在生活型態方面,本研究依據AIO的構面進行分析,男性消費者使用後,在逛街通路、購買品項、人際關係、行銷活動的注意程度、以及對保養品的看法上,產生不同改變。 基於本研究結果,給予實務上對於產品定位、產品設計、與推廣訴求的建議;並提出研究限制,給予後續研究建議。


“Face-saving” is not the patent for women anymore. Nowadays, men pursue not only their interior but also appearance. In the past, men reject and avoid to use skin care; however, the concept of purchasing and using skin care is more and more popular for men. Besides, the popular condition can be observed in life. For consumers, the important facts of purchasing behavior are not only the effect but also the symbol of products. Obviously, using skin care can help consumers to improve or change appearance. Since self-concept is one factors of influencing purchasing behavior, whether it would be influenced by using skin care products? What’s more, there is a big difference between male consumers; in other words, they have different feelings after using. Hence, are there any changes on self-concept and life style? However, there are some researches which only focused on purchase intention and purchasing behavior in the past. Few of research focus on the issue about after using. Thus, I focus on the changes of self-concept and life style in males after using skin care products. Through the literary reviews and purposing sampling, the study choose the 20-30 years old men who use facial advanced skin care products. The study use semi-structured interview to interview 12 men. The structure of this study is based on the structure of self-concept and life style. The result of self-concept changes can be divided into 3 types which are strengthened, natural, and stable. Strengthened and natural customers have positive attitude on effect of products; furthermore, they have obvious changes on self-concept. On the other hand, stable customers don’t have positive attitude on products effect like other two types. Therefore, they don’t have obvious difference after using. In addition, customers have different changes on life style after using products. For example, the shopping place, the products, the relationships, the attention on marketing activity, and the opinion of skin care. Based on the results, the study give advice of products position, products benefit, promotion appeal and follow-up studies.


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