  • 學位論文


The effects of exercise intervention on the quality of life and associated with risk factors for the patient with metabolic syndrome

指導教授 : 林晉榮


本研究目的主要在探討代謝症候群患者在經過為期十二週不同運動介入後與生活品質對其血液誘發因子之影響。以280名受試者經嘉義縣某醫院家醫科判定為代謝症候群患者為受試對象,以準實驗法將受試者分為運動組153名和控制組128名。共進行12週,每週3次,每次60分鐘之循環訓練及太極拳運動。兩組於實驗前後皆進行填答SF-36生活品質問卷及血液抽樣。所得資料經由SPSS套裝統計軟體進行敘述分析、單因子變異數分析及AMOS結構方程模式分析。本研究結果如下: 1.代謝症候群患者的生活品質、血液誘發因子及健康體適能之現況:代謝症候群患者以中高年齡層居多,性別則以男性比例較高。生活品質構面上,在循環運動組及太極拳組的得分皆高於80分以上有生理功能及社會功能; 2.不同運動模式(循環運動及太極拳運動)介入後生活品質之差異:經過不同運動模式的介入,在生活品質的整體生理層面與心理層面分別與控制組呈現明顯差異,亦即在12週運動介入有明顯改善代謝症候群之生活品質; 3.不同運動模式介入後之血液誘發因子之差異:血液誘發因子面向實施不同運動介入後,收縮壓、血糖及三酸甘油脂在循環運動組及太極拳組改善皆優於控制組,透過規律的運動可有效降低代謝症候群患者之血液誘發因子; 4.健康體適能對生活品質及血液誘發因子之相關影響因素:健康體適能、生活品質及血液誘發因子的潛在變項中,以健康體適能與生活品質較具有直接效果。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exercise intervention on the quality of life and associated with risk factors for the patient with metabolic syndrome. A group of 280 subject was recruited who were diagnosed with the metabolic syndrome. Those subjects were treated by quasi-experimental method to divide into 2 groups: experiment 1 group and control group. 153 patients were in experiment set and control set. The experiment was taken 3 times per week, 60 minutes for each week and taken for 12 weeks. The training of the experiment were mainly two type of exercise employ on Circuit Training and Tai Chi. All the participant were surveyed by SF-36 and biomarker test before and after the experiment. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics,one-way analysis of variance, structural equation modeling (SEM) of the SPSS. The results of this study as follows: 1. The situation of quality of life, associated with risk factor, and health related fitness: descriptive statistics indicated that majority of subjects were aged above 55, and male. The exercise groups get higher 80 points on physical function and social function on the quality of life survey; 2. Different exercise mode (circuit training and Tai Chi group): through the intervention of exercise mode, there was a significant difference between Physical Component Scale (PCS) and Mental Component Scale (MCS). Thus, the quality of life for the patient with metabolic syndrome could was improved by 12 weeks exercise training. 3. The changes of risk factor for the patient with metabolic syndrome: through the intervention of exercise mode, there was significantly improvement on systolic, glycemia and triglyceride. 4. The effects of health related fitness among quality of life and associated with risk factors: through structural equation model analysis that the latent variables including fitness, risk factor and quality of life, there was a direct effect between health-related fitness and the quality of life.The confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the model was confident.


Biomarker SF-36 Metabolic Syndrome Circuit Training Tai chi


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