  • 學位論文


The Dilemma of Using Employment Subsides to Assist People with Disability Enter Labor Market:Revealing Motivation of Employees

指導教授 : 王國羽


在臺灣身心障礙者的勞動參與率和其他勞動者相比一直都呈現低參與率的狀態,而政府針對身心障礙者的勞動狀況也提供許多就業促進相關措施,期待可以改善身心障礙者的失業狀況。就業促進政策其中之一是透過每個月提供補助津貼,本研究旨在探討這種政策的效果。 目前和身心障礙者就業有關的服務有許多政策可以選擇,包括相關的就業支持服務、工作訓練與重建、就業媒合和現金補助。透過現金補助進用身心障礙員工的雇用單位可以透過每月的現金補助減少聘用成本,本研究也著力於了解現金補助政策對身心障礙者就業所扮演的角色及是否有發揮其政策作用。 研究者透過半結構式訪談負責承接縣市政府支持性就業服務的支持性就業服務員與企業單位代表。研究結果顯示,雇主運用現金補助津貼做為補充人事進用成本,且在選擇進用身心障礙者的過程中抱持著慈善心態而非基於人權的尊重。在這樣的政策幫助下,多數的身心障礙者在結束補助期程後也可能離開了工作崗位。 身心障礙者就業服務推行多年,但社會價值對於身心障礙者進入就業市場的想法與概念仍存有極高的刻板印象,對於身心障礙者多數的評價與印象多以需要幫助、無法自立、管理失序等看待。提供工作也多以同情、作善事等心態給予機會,而非平等看待身心障礙者具有工作能力。刻板印象與社會建構的障礙認知,影響了身心障礙者的就業發展與失去和他人相同的機會。透過訪談資料也表示雇主與相關的職場人員對於身心障礙者仍是存有負面且傳統的刻板印象。對於身心障礙者平等的工作權和取得工作的機會仍是未被建立的。而如何減少社會對身心障礙者的刻板印象、透過積極的行動提升身心障礙者的就業率,在本研究中仍尚未得到解決方法。


The employment rate of people with disabilities has been very low in Taiwan. The government has implemented various policy measures to reduce their unemployment condition. One of which is to provide monthly subsided to employee. This research aims to explore the effect of such policy. The current employment policy toward people with disability has many choices. These employment policies include on side supportive service, rehabilitation training, job matching service, and in cash subsided. The employee could gain monthly cash subsides for salary paid to employer with disabilities, and this research concentrated on revealing how and what role of such cash assistance would work as it suppose function. The researcher conducted interviews and collected data from employees throughout Taiwan and interviewed social worker who in charge this particular form of government services. The results revealed that employees were used this subsided as supplements to their cost, and the motivation for them to hire employer with disabilities was based on charity rather than rights toward people with disabilities. Even with such case subsides, after it terminated, most people with disabilities might just left the job. The interview materials indicated that in work place, both employees and coworkers are still had negative and traditional view of people with disabilities. The equal rights on access to work and to job for people with disabilities are not firmly established. How to reduce the stereotype to people with disabilities and how to enhance affirmative actions to increase their employment rate are questions remain unanswered in this research.


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