  • 學位論文


A Study on the Policy and Practice of Anti-Human-Trafficking in Taiwan, From the Perspective of Police Work

指導教授 : 陳亮智


我國人口販運防制法之制定,係作為遏止人口販運相關犯罪行為的法源依據,同時保護人口販運被害者的權益,該法」自2009年公布施行以來,迄今已經過7年時間,實有必要重新檢視其實施成效,瞭解在實務運作上是否有窒礙難行之處,本文期透過警察機關在實務執行面向,來探討「人口販運防制法」是否尚有不足或爭議之處。 本文主要之架構分為五章,各章之安排如下: 第一章為緒論,首先說明本文研究動機、背景與目的,結合相關文獻衍生出本文研究架構與欲探討之問題,同時設定本文的研究範圍。 第二章將針對人口販運的概念論述,接著探討這種新興犯罪的成因與特性,藉此瞭解造成人口販運案件崛起的主要因素為何,並針對美國人口販運問題報告自2004年迄今對於臺灣部分評等的內容加以研析,進而討論我國在政策與法令制度上如何去改進相關防制作為。 第三章則是探討我國查處人口販運案件之流程與主要態樣,分別為勞力剝削與性剝削,本章將針對這二種案件態樣深入研究,瞭解其查處流程及構成要件。 第四章將結合政策、法制及實務等面向,針對我國人口販運案件進行分析,藉以瞭解警察機關在查處相關案件所面臨的問題,作為未來進行修正關於防制人口販運政策及法制的參考。 第五章將對前面各章結合所得之研究彙整、歸納及系統整合,導出較為合適及實用性的建議,給當局的政府。


人口販運 性剝削 勞力剝削


The Human Trafficking Prevention Act, enacted and put into effect in 2009, serves as the legal basis for combating crimes related to human trafficking and safeguarding the rights of victims. For the reason that the Act is a new law in Taiwan, it is necessary to reexamine whether there is any deficiency or inadequacy of the Act. This study aims to identify the weaknesses and controversial issues of the Act by examining its implementation in police work in the past seven years. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is preface. It frames the research motivation, background and the goals of the study. Preface also introduces the structure and the purposes of this research combining with relevant reference, and defines the researching scale as well. Chapter two is explaining the concept of human trafficking and discussing the causes and specialty of the crime. This chapter also confers on the political and legislative actions the government took to prevent human trafficking in response to the annual Trafficking in Persons Report from 2004 until now. Chapter three is to investigate procedure and the categories of human trafficking crime, which could be classified into sexual exploitation and forced labor. Chapter four is about analyzing the human trafficking cases from political, legislative and practical aspects by realizing the issues police officers come across. And this chapter is also used as the reference of the coping strategies in anti-human-trafficking. Chapter five is the conclusion, which summarizes all of the aforesaid viewpoints in Chapter two, three and four, and also advices some suggestion for the government.


黃齡玉,台灣防制人口販運政策之研究, 國立臺灣大學社會科學院政治學系碩士論文,2011年1月。
