  • 學位論文


The Effect of Lifestyles on Consumer Ethnocentrism: A Case Study of Middle-Aged and Older Adults in Taiwan

指導教授 : 盧龍泉


全世界皆面臨高齡化的趨勢,台灣也不例外。這群中高齡族群將對社會的經濟結構帶來轉變,並且帶來龐大的銀髮商機,因為他們正是介於1946至1965年出生的戰後嬰兒潮世代,經歷工商業起飛、經濟基礎穩固的時代,他們是所得水準最高的年齡層。而我國自從2002年加入世界貿易組織後,消費市場大幅改變,使台灣製品受到衝擊;因此,在面對全球化貿易的侵襲,行銷人員必須了解我國消費者對於進口品或台灣製品的決策過程,尤其是針對具有龐大商機的戰後嬰兒潮世代,以擬定可增加購買台灣製品意願的策略。   本研究的研究對象為參與全台樂齡學習中心的中高齡學習者,使用生活型態量表對於中高齡族群進行市場區隔,以測量不同生活型態的族群是否對消費者本國中心主義造成影響。研究結果顯示不同生活型態的族群會對消費者本國中心主義造成不同的影響;另外,在人口統計變數中,除了性別沒有對消費者本國中心主義造成影響外,個人可支配所得、教育程度皆會對消費者本國中心主義造成影響。


Recently, the whole world are facing the aging trend, including Taiwan. These middle-aged and older adults will affect the structure of economy; also, they will bring a huge opportunity of business because they are baby boomers who born during 1946 to 1965. They experienced the era of economic stability, so they are the generation of the highest income. However, after Taiwan joined WTO in 2002, many of MIT products failed in the market. Therefore, the marketers should understand what the consumers’ need are or how they make purchasing decision to promote MIT products.   In this research, the objects are focus on middle-aged and older adults who join the senior citizens learning center. The research has introduced a survey test of lifestyles, to examine and analyze the daily life and the consumer behavior of different lifestyles. Also, using the different lifestyles to test the tendency of ethnocentrism. The outcome of study shows that the different lifestyles affect the tendency of ethnocentrism. In addition, using demographic variables to test the relationship of ethnocentrism. The outcome shows that the personal disposable income and the educational levels affect the ethnocentrism; however, the gender doesn’t have an effect on ethnocentrism.


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