  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李仁淼


「行政調查」乃行政機關為實現行政法規內容,督促人民遵守法令,並確保行政機關合法適當行使各項職權,而向人民進行調查蒐集資料的活動,為行政作用法中不可或缺之行政輔助行為。 行政調查權之發動與程序等規定,均涉及憲法保障人民之隱私權、財產權、工作權、人身自由等基本人權,因而引發不少侵犯人權的爭議。「行政調查」規制,在我國行政法學上仍處萌芽之階段,近年來受到美國憲法揭櫫之正當法律程序原則思潮的影響,以及我國司法院大法官解釋的指引,行政調查討論重點已逐漸移轉到各類行政作用之正當法律程序與行政救濟管道的建立。 本文擬以消費者保護為中心,藉由消保法第四章之行政監督及一般行政調查規定加以研究,從保護消費者權益至企業經營者提升商品或服務品質,透過學理與實務相互勾稽、推導、驗證,以確立兼具公私益維護及落實人民權利保障之行政調查規範,並建立友善消費環境,實現消費正義。 惟,有關行政調查之法制規範,除各專業法規概略規定外,行政程序法在第一章總則之第六節「調查事實及證據」(第36條至第43條)僅為「行政調查」的一般原則與調查方式之描述,尚不足以供作「行政調查」法制建立之依據。尤其對於行政調查之正當法律程序與行政救濟管道,規定更是付之闕如,以致學界及判決實務上難有一致作法,因此在法治國之原則下,實有再予深入討論研析之必要,爰為本論文研究主軸所在,故試從法制及實務等面向加以分析探討,尋求合理適當可行之行政調查方法,以進一步確保公益維護及人民基本權利保障之實現。


“Administrative investigation,” the functional role of administrative law, is an administrative authority to enforce administrative regulations, to ensure the proper enforcement of the legitimate powers, and to urge people to observe the laws and regulations while asking the people to be investigated. However, the launching and proceeding of administrative investigation is involved in privacy, property right, the right to work, and personal freedom based on assurance of the constitution, and usually resulting in controversies over human rights violations. Nowadays, the budding administrative investigation in Taiwan is impacted by legitimate proceeding based on the US Constitution and the Taiwan Grand Justices Interpretation so that various legitimate proceedings and paths of administrative remedies are suggested to be constructed for further ensuring public welfare and protecting basic human rights. This study is intended to propose a consumption justice based on protecting consumer through the administrative supervision and investigation of the Chapter IV of the Consumer Protection Law to enhance the quality of goods or services from consumer protection to business owners by means of the mutual articulation, derivation, and validation of the theory and practice to establish a friendly environment for consumption. Although the Section VI of the Chapter I in Administrative Procedure Act— Inquisition into Facts and Evidence (Article 36 to Article 43) outlines the facts and evidence on the investigation for the administrative agencies, these general principles are too rough to be the legitimate basis. Therefore, this study suggests the appropriate method for administrative investigation to further ensure public welfare and to achieve protecting basic human rights of the people.


