  • 學位論文


Lay Participation System and Penal Populism

指導教授 : 王正嘉


讓不具法律專業的人民參與審判是世界各國的趨勢,各國依據自身法制及社會文化發展出不同模式,如英美的陪審制、法德的參審制,位處亞洲的韓日也於近年先後實施國民參與審判制、裁判員制。我國鑑於近來一些司法判決結果與社會期待有所落差,引起民眾對於司法審判產生不信任,司法院為使法官判決更加貼近社會通念,促使人民參與刑事審判,研擬人民觀審制度。 目前人民觀審試行條例草案立法目的並不強調司法民主化,乃著眼於提升人民對司法的信賴與了解,似乎忽略探求人民參與審判與實踐民主真諦的關聯性。當審判納入人民的聲音,將帶來一定程度的司法民主化。再者,民主化與民粹化僅一線之隔,應進一步探討我國人民不信任司法的原因,是否連結於近來在各國蔓延的刑法民粹主義思潮?即刑事政策的嚴罰化、被害人運動的崛起、對專家決策的反動、媒體聳動犯罪報導引起的民眾恐慌等現象。 我國推行人民參與審判制度,期待引入民眾健全的法感情,應避免不當刑法民粹思想的滲入。本文嘗試從現行草案的制度設計,評析如何預防不當民粹主義,並輔以試辦法院之一的嘉義地院為例,觀察其模擬法庭是否產生刑法民粹主義下的不理性審判情形。最後,將審議式民主的理論應用於法庭中,提出審議式法庭的概念,透過專業法官與一般人民組成的公共論壇,就審判案件作出理性且真誠的對話及商討,彼此意見分享、充分溝通,以作出集體判斷。審議式法庭的討論模式,期能為防範刑法民粹主義不當滲入司法審判,提供一劑解藥。


This is the trend in the world that having lay persons to participate in the judicial system. Different systems have been established under different cultures and societies such as Jury System in England and in the U.S.A., or Assessor System adopted by France and by Germany. In recent years, the Lay Participation System and Citizen Judge System have also been executed in Asia countries such as South Korea and Japan. Due to some judicial verdicts did not meet the social expectations and lead into people’s distrust of the criminal justice and administration of justice, in order to have the judge’s decisions to be closer to general concepts of the society, the Judicial Yuan is now elaborating Advisory Assessor System to allow people participate in the criminal trials. It seems to ignore the relevance of the people’s participation in the trial and the practicing of democracy due to the objective of the Statute on the Pilot Implementation of the Advisory Assessor System in Trial (Draft) do not emphasize on the democratization of justice, but focus on improving people’s trust and understanding in it. As more opinions from people get involved into the criminal trials, a certain degree of democratization of justice will be achieved. Furthermore, due to it only exists a thin line between democratization and populism, advanced studies should be conducted in regarding to the relationship between the true reason of people’s distrust of judiciary system and Penal Populism currently expanded in countries such as grueling criminal policy, the rise of the movement of the victims, reactionaries of experts’ decisions, panics among the population caused by sensational crime stories from medias. The implementation of the Advisory Assessor System aims to avoid populist ideas and to bring people into proper concepts and feelings of law. This research attempts to prevent the statute of the Advisory Assessor System from being affected by improper populism by observing if irrational situations caused from populism occurred in moot court of Chiayi District Court, and finally to bring out the concept of Deliberative Court by applying the theory of Deliberative Democracy and to finalize a collective judgment from public forums consisting professional judges and general population under sincere dialogues, sufficient discussions, effective communications and truly sharing. Deliberative discussions in tribunal court will be an excellent solution to avoid Penal Populism getting into criminal trials.


