  • 學位論文

Zero Runner之攝氧成本研究

The study of Oxygen Uptake Cost of Zero Runner

指導教授 : 王順正


目的:探討在Zero Runner以不同運動模式 (Zero Stepping、Zero Strolling、Zero Running) 與步頻 (100、120、140 step/min) 運動時之攝氧成本差異以及對最大攝氧量 (Maximal Oxygen Uptake, V ̇O2max) 之相關。方法:以15名男性健康大學生 (年齡22.40±1.59歲、身高174.41±6.66公分、體重71.57±9.03公斤) 為對象,採參與者內設計,依平衡次序原則,每位參與者均接受跑步機漸增負荷最大努力測驗,以及在Zero Runner進行三種不同運動模式的不同步頻攝氧成本測驗,每個步頻間隔3分鐘 (共9分鐘),每種運動模式測驗至少間隔24小時,每次測驗皆以Cortex能量代謝系統全程採集參與者攝氧量,擷取參與者在每個步頻運動最後一分鐘穩定狀態下之攝氧量,並以二維攝影分析拍攝踏板前端標記點運動軌跡。以二因子重複量數變異數分析不同運動模式、步頻的攝氧量 (Oxygen Uptake, V ̇O2)、相對速度攝氧成本 (cost per unit distance, CoT) 差異,並以皮爾森積差相關檢測不同運動模式、步頻的 V ̇O2、CoT與 V ̇O2max之效標關聯效度。顯著水準α設為.05。結果:在攝氧量方面,不同運動模式間皆達顯著差異,Zero Running > Zero Stepping > Zero Strolling (p<.05),且隨步頻增加而提升;在相對速度攝氧量方面,不同步頻間無顯著差異,不同運動模式間為Zero Stepping最高、Zero Running次之、Zero Strolling最低,且皆達顯著差異 (p<.05);結論:三種不同運動模式中以Zero Running運動的能量消耗會最高,可達到接近70%最大攝氧量的運動強度,且能量消耗會隨步頻增加而提升;相對速度攝氧量較適用於評量相同運動模式下的能量消耗差異;用Zero Runner做最大攝氧量的預測可能會有限制。


Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate oxygen uptake cost in different exercising modes (Zero Stepping, Zero Strolling, or Zero Running) and frequency of step (100, 120, or 140 step/min ) of Zero Runner and its relationship with maximal oxygen uptake (V ̇O2max). Methods: Subjects (N=15) were male healthy college students (age: 22.40±1.59 years, height: 174.41±6.66 cm, weight: 71.57±9.03 kg) Each subject underwent maximal effort protocol of treadmill. After 24 hours, all subjects participated in three different modes gradually increasing frequency test in Zero Runner, each frequency interval of three minutes. Data was analyzed by two way RM-ANOVA to compare the difference between exercising modes and frequency of step with Oxygen Uptake (V ̇O2) and cost per unit distance (CoT). Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was used to detect the relationship between V ̇O2, CoT and V ̇O2max. The significant different was set α=0.05. Result: V ̇O2 between different movement patterns were significant differences, Zero Running> Zero Stepping> Zero Strolling (p <.05), and with increasing frequency step upgrade. CoT in different exercising modes and frequency of step, Zero Stepping was significant heigher than Zero Running and Zero Strolling (p<.05). Conclusion: Zero Running was the highest energy consumption of three differents movement pattern, Exercise intensity reached close to 70% of V ̇O2max and energy consumption will increase with the step frequency upgrade; CoT was more suitable for assessment of energy consumption at the same movement pattern; Zero Runner may be limited to predict maximum oxygen uptake.


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