  • 學位論文


Fast Depth Map Coding in 3D-HEVC

指導教授 : 江瑞秋


3D-HEVC為最新的多視角視訊壓縮標準,能壓縮多視角視訊與對應的深度視訊(Multi-view video plus depth)。多視角視訊每個時刻下的彩色畫面皆會包含深度畫面,然而深度畫面具有銳利邊緣以及大量平滑區域的影像特性,因此JCT-3V提出了針對深度畫面特性的編碼工具,像是DMM(Depth Modeling Mode)、 SDC(Segment-wise DC coding)等等,然而卻也造成深度畫面所需要的編碼時間比彩色畫面還要多的結果。另外3D-HEVC 在畫面間深度畫面編碼,納入名為Quadtree limitation(QTL) 的快速切割模式決策,藉由參考彩色畫面CU(coding unit)編碼資訊的方式,達到加速編碼效果。 本論文針對深度畫面編碼複雜度高的問題,提出了三種快速編碼技術,分別為畫面間(inter-frame) 快速CU切割模式決策、畫面內(intra-frame) 快速CU切割模式決策以及畫面內(intra-frame)快速編碼模式決策。畫面間快速CU割模式決策主要改良3D-HEVC內建的QTL快速切割模式決策,提出更佳的快速切割模式決策,實驗結果顯示可在平均節省0.5%編碼時間下,平均達到0.53% BDBR的下降。畫面內快速CU切割模式決策與畫面內快速編碼模式決策則是致力於加速深度畫面編碼,實驗結果顯示可在平均1% BDBR以下的增加下,節省超過50%的編碼時間。 關鍵詞:3D-HEVC, Multi-view video plus depth, Quadtree limitation.


3D-HEVC 視訊編碼


3D-HEVC is the new coding standard dealing with both the texture and the associated depth video. In addition to some new coding tools designed for texture video with improved coding efficiency, some specified tools are devoted for depth video. For depth inter coding, quad-tree limitation (QTL) was proposed and adopted in 3D-HEVC. With the quad-tree limitation, a coding depth CU cannot be split deeper than its collocated CU in the texture. Although significant time saving is reached in this way, the required bitrate is also increased. In this paper, we propose a QTL-based technique to fast determine the depth CU. Several conditions will be checked to determine whether QTL is used. The experimental results report that the proposed technique achieve similar time saving as QTL-on scheme with 0.9% bitrate reduction for the synthesized views under the random access scenario. Beside the inter-frame depth map coding, we also proposed two fast algorithms for intra-frame depth coding, first algorithm is named Fast CU decision and second algorithm is named Fast Intra mode decision. Both algorithms combined can achieve more than 50% average time savings in All-intra configuration without significant bitrate loss.


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